How To Manifest The Most Amazing Life You Could Ever Imagine By Peter Kell



I thank God every morning for giving me such great abundance, and especially for what happened next. Because miraculously, what happened next took my life on the most dramatic and unexpected turn possibly imaginable.

And although this story is painful and embarrassing to tell, God's given me the courage to do so. Because what happened next led to a spiritual breakthrough that not only transformed my life, but could very well transform yours too.

A breakthrough that reveals why you're stuck manifesting a life you don’t want—struggling with constant setbacks, unfulfilled desires, recurring challenges, and a reality that feels out of alignment with your dreams.

And as you'll see, it has nothing to do with positive thinking, luck, or “working harder”. 

In April 2021, right before I sold my company, I had a big problem. I had some BEEF WITH GOD I needed to talk about. I was standing on a big, grassy hilltop in San Francisco 

I could hear cows mooing in the background. The sun was setting in front of me, and I could see the dew glistening across the grass on the rolling hills ahead.

I was stoked out of my mind because my skincare brand had just gone from zero to $40 million in its first twelve months. I was on a 300-day streak of doing over $100,000 a day in sales on a brand I owned 50% of. 

On top of that, I was in San Francisco for a six-day event that had just wrapped up called the Hoffman Institute, which is all about rewiring and clearing out dark childhood traumas. As a kid, I was the neglected middle child, so I had developed some attention-seeking, narcissistic tendencies that I needed to work on—and thankfully, I’d just cured them all. I was double stoked.

But my business partner and I weren’t aligned with what to do next. Our vision was to build a portfolio of skincare brands we could wrap up and sell to private equity for a few hundred million dollars. I wanted to do it fast so I could move on to something way better with my life. 

But he wanted to play it safe and slow it down. He wanted to launch the next skincare brand to have a decent dermatologist as the spokesperson while I wanted to crank the dial to 11 and drop $300,000 on Jennifer Aniston and launch a mega advertising campaign with her face on the cover. 

He didn’t want to do it. And I let him talk me into thinking I was being irresponsible. So now I was stuck running this boring operation and I was pissed.

Looking up to the sky on top of the grass hill I said to God, 

"God, thank you for this extraordinary life, but we need to talk. This skincare plan—it’s going to take six years for a massive exit. Six years! I’m not even passionate about skincare; I’m passionate about making the coolest moves I’ve ever done in my entire life. This just feels slow and lame.

My life is worth so much more than this. I am so much more than this. You and I both know that if I had a huge stack of cash and time freedom at the earliest age possible, I could spend my life working on the coolest ideas I could ever imagine and make a WAY bigger impact on this world for you.

So what’s the deal God? Are we doing this or not?"

And I hear this voice back saying…

"You're doing it." 

A blank look hits my face…I say back to God, 

"God, look at this situation—this isn’t it. I can tell it’s not aligned. The skincare brand’s never going to be nuclear, and my business partner wants to take it slow. We’re not on the same page, and this isn’t working."

And God says, 

“Nope, you’re fine. You’re good.” 

A blank face hits me again. I’m like, 

“You’re telling me I’m fine?” 

And he’s like, 

“Yup. You’re fine. You’re all good man.”

Suddenly a great wave washes over my body. This feeling of gratitude, peace, and relaxation. I took a big deep breath, and I just relaxed. I began to let it all go.

"Okay, if God says I’m fine. I’m fine." 

As I started walking down the mountain, I thought,

"ALRIGHT, LET’S GO! THANK YOU, GOD! Something amazing is about to happen!"

That was all I needed to hear! If God says I’m good, I must be good! I let go of the whole idea and felt grateful, knowing God had my back and somehow he was doing his thing. 

A month later, I got called into the office. My business partner and the team I’d built were there, clearly pissed. They told me, “For the next skincare brand, we don’t think you should own half of it. You’ve been kind of lazy lately.”

I hadn’t realized it before, but my soul had already left the building. I wasn’t inspired anymore—this wasn’t the kind of work that fired me up. All I wanted was to do the dopest, most game-changing thing of my career, and this slow, uninspiring grind wasn’t it.

The team made it clear they didn’t think I was worth it. My copywriter even said, “I could do his job all day long.” The mutiny had begun. And the way they brought it up? It wasn’t cool. We all knew it was over. And I was terrified.

We’d just manifested this crazy win streak where everything came together, the stars aligned, the skincare brand blew up, and now it looked like it was all falling apart. In the end, my business partner offered to buy me out of the company. I went home to waves of terror and fear. Terrified of what was about to happen next. 

Then it hit me: “Wait a second… wasn’t I just praying for this?” Crypto was booming, and I remembered making my first million in the last cycle—before I lost it all. But this time, I thought, “I’ve already lost all my money once in crypto before; I’m sure I’ve learned my lesson. That won’t happen again. If I had millions and all the time in the world to make the best plays I could, I’m sure I could 20x everything fast. I’d get jet money, never have to worry about finances again, and focus on the most amazing things God has planned for me.” This wasn’t a setback—it was the way out I had prayed for.

My business partner came to me and said, “If you want to step away, I’ll buy you out for $1.7 million in cash.” I talked to my lawyer, and he said, “95% of partnership blowups end in disaster. The fact that your partner is willing to buy you out clean is a miracle.” After a few days of thinking, I said, “Alright, let’s do it.”

And just like that, a seven-figure bag of cash landed on my desk. I was living in Denver, Colorado at the time and I thought, “I’m not staying here anymore.” I sold my Lambo, sold my Range Rover, packed everything into a storage unit, and decided to move to Stockholm, Sweden, to figure out my next chapter.

All while YOLO (you only live one) investing every penny into the highest-risk highest reward crypto plays I could find. I was taking a swing at 20x gains—shooting for jet money at an early age so I spent the rest of my life building the most amazing life I could imagine. 

I hired some developers to build out tech that would scan the Binance blockchain, looking for coins that ten people just put $5,000 into within five seconds so I could be the first to know about big opportunities and get in before the rest.

I started investing. Small investments turned into big investments. And soon, I hit a winner that started to blow up. Ten minutes in, the coin goes nuclear—taking off like a rocket. I begin investing as much as I can, turning my $1.7 million into $2 million… then $3 million… then $4 million. Every day, massive sums of money are pouring into my life, and I’m freaking out with excitement. Throwing amazing silent disco parties on the rooftop of the residential side of the At Six Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden. Dancing with friends to the sun setting at 2:00 a.m., painting the sky with the most beautiful colors, only to watch it rise again at 4:00 a.m. I’m surrounded by friends, watching the world’s most breathtaking sunsets and sunrises, living in a surreal, euphoric dream.

I’m vibrating at the highest frequency, constantly repeating to myself, “THANK YOU GOD! THANK YOU GOD! We’re doing it! Thank you for guiding me to such an incredible life! Thank you for this amazing plan! I love you so much, God. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Then my buddy calls me and says, “Hey, I’m going to do ayahuasca in Costa Rica. You want to come with me?”

And all I can say is “YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!” 

I was so stoked! This was the perfect opportunity to talk to God! If I could go down to Costa Rica and meet her face to face, it would be the most amazing thing ever.

I just love God so much—she’s completely changed my life. I used to be a broke D-student skateboarder trapped in my parent’s basement, and now I’m a multimillionaire. Thank you, God.

So I decided—I’m heading down to Costa Rica, and I’m not going to stop drinking ayahuasca until I’m face to face with God. That’s the plan. I need to look her in the eyes and say, “Thank you for giving me this extraordinary life.”

By the time I got to Costa Rica, my portfolio value had ballooned to over $6,000,000.


At 6pm I entered the temple for the first day. It was a massive, open space with rows of beds, soft brown blankets, fluffy pillows, and tiny barf bowls neatly placed at the foot of each bed. The air was fresh, with a cool breeze flowing through the big open windows, and the place was lined with shamans wearing earthy tone clothes.

At the center was a glowing shrine—crystals, a candle, and a moon lamp. Above it were three bold signs:

  • Show me who I have become
  • Merge me with my soul at all costs
  • Heal my heart

I found my spot near an open window, with a clear view of the stars. As everyone settled in, the lead shaman stood and asked, “What is your intention for tonight?”

In my head, I said: I’m here to find my friend. I must thank her for everything she’s done and share my plans for our future.

He explained how Ayahuasca works—that it’s a high-frequency medicine, and our bodies may purge as it clears out low vibrations. Sweating, crying, vomiting, maybe worse—it was all part of the process.

“Whatever it takes. I’m here to meet my friend.” I thought, casually eyeing the restroom just in case.

Soon, we lined up for our first drink. By the time it was my turn the shaman handed me a shot of dark green jungle juice, which tasted exactly like it looked—grass, dirt, with a hint of broken sticks. But I could care less. 

I went back to my bed to wait, knowing it would take about 45 minutes to kick in. Time passed, the jungle music set the tone, and soon people started to throw up.  But I wasn’t feeling much yet—just a little tingle in my third eye, which shocked me because I had written off all that “third eye” stuff years ago.

By 9 p.m., I decided to line up for my second drink. If I was going to meet my friend, I needed to go deeper. I took the second shot and laid back down, ready for the journey. As the medicine started to hit, psychedelic visuals began swirling around me. I felt warm, almost drunk, but I wasn’t here for warm fuzzies—I was here for her.

At some point, I got back in line for my third shot. After taking it, I felt queasy and ended up throwing it all up into the bucket at my bedside. Frustrated, because based on how I was feeling, I knew I needed more if I was going to get to “talking to God” levels. 

An hour later, I went back up to retake my third shot. The shaman looked at me, studied me for a moment, and asked, “Do you have a habit of overindulging in things?”

“Maybe,” I said. “But I’m not here to get high—I’m here to meet a friend. I must meet my friend.”

He sighed, nodded, and reluctantly handed me the glass. I downed the third shot, bitter as ever—grass, dirt, and a hint sticks—but I held it in this time. I felt a shift. The psychedelic visions started going one level stronger. Colors began swirling in vivid patterns, and shapes danced with an intensity I hadn’t seen before. It was like my third eye had fully cracked open, letting in a flood of vibrant energy.

An hour later, I was back in line for my fourth shot, knowing this was the final one I needed to get where I needed to go. The shaman looked at me, hesitating for a moment, looking at me up and down. My shirt was neatly buttoned up, and I wasn’t sloppy like a drunk—I looked “fairly” composed, relatively professional, and 100% determined. He seemed to understand, saying to me: 

“You must learn to control your breathing. And be patient. She is often showing up where you are weak.”

He performed the chant, handed me the glass and said, “Good luck.” I drank it. 

When I returned to my bed, I knew I was locked and loaded. I closed my eyes and affirmed, “I am here to meet my friend. I must meet my friend. I must learn to be patient. I must relax.”

I begin to fall into a deep trance. This time the medicine surged through me like a powerful wave. I fall back into the beautiful swirling colors as the hypnotic music from the jungle seemed to wrap me in a cocoon. I feel the breeze dancing across my skin. I am lost in a world of bliss and pleasure.

After what felt like an eternity I hear a voice call out in my mind:
“Peter! Your friend. You must find your friend. Don’t get distracted. Focus. Center your mind to clear yourself! Practice your breathing!”

So I try a breathing technique I knew before. Breathing in and out slowly in a rhythmic style. Going deep into my belly. Trying to relax. 

Next thing I know I hear another voice.

“Peter! WAKE UP!!!.” And I snap too.

WTF. My technique didn’t work. I’m lit as balls right now. My mind had gotten lost in my thoughts and the pleasure of the medicine again. Maybe another hour has gone by. I'm starting to feel scared, I have no idea how much time is left until the whole ceremony is over. I was terrified of the idea of not seeing her.

So I tried another breathing technique. This time, breathing fast and rhythmically, over and over again. Trying as hard as I can to clear the thoughts and focus on my breath. Focusing.. focusing.. focusing.

Then I hear the voice again “WAKE UP PETER YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME”

I got lost again and maybe another hour went by again. I’m beginning to get frantic. And can feel the time running out.

“I must meet my friend. I have come all this way to see her. I must see her. I have so much to tell her. I cannot fail, tonight I must see her. “

I tried one last breathing technique I knew. A mix of fast and slow breathing. Focusing my mind as hard as I could. Giving everything I had to focus on controlling my thoughts and focusing on my breathing. To try and find my friend.


I hear the voice again in my head. I can't do it. The medicine was too strong for me. Tears begin to stream down my face.

I can’t do it. That was all I had. I have nothing more. I have given you everything but I cannot find you. I am lost. I am stuck. 

All the colors have gone and I am lost in the darkness in my mind. 

“I must find you. I must see my friend.” In desperation, I cried out to God in my mind.

“I can’t do this. I’ve given everything. I’m lost. I must see her. God, please help me. Send me a way to meet my friend.”

As soon as I said that, the music in the entire temple stopped. Instantly becoming dead quiet.

The temple became so silent so fast that all the air exhaled out of my lungs. And my whole body became silent. My breath froze. “What is happening?” I thought “That must be a coincidence”

To keep the silence, I inhaled as lightly as I could through my mouth. And began to breathe like my breath had been taken away. The smallest, shortest micro breath that felt like I wasn't even breathing. I could not understand how I was living as I knew I was barely breathing.

But I thought, maybe there’s something to this and I keep going. All of a sudden the music turned back on. Loud this time. This jungle sound. And a gust of wind burst through my window behind me and chilled across my face and my arms and my legs.

“What is happening?” I thought. “This can’t be real.”

Then, as quickly as it stopped, the music roared back to life. Raging jungle sounds filled the air, howler monkeys screamed into the night, and a gust of wind burst through the room, chilling my face and arms.

I became engulfed in what felt like a storm—a wild storm of dust and wind spinning furiously all around me. A mile high wall of grey wind swirling around me in chaos like I was on the inside of a tornado - swirling in every direction, consuming me completely.

And then I felt something amazing. “SHE IS IN THIS ROOM!!!!!!! I CAN FEEL HER PRESENCE. WTF!!!! WHERE IS SHE???????”

I turned around, and there she was. Standing right behind me. Staring straight into my soul. Darkness covered everything but her eyes. 

I looked her in the eyes. She took my breath away.

Her eyes were big and magical. Majestic and green. Sparkling with the stars of the galaxy.

The bag I brought with everything I had come to say to her, all the stuff I had to impress her, and everything I had ever worked for in her name dropped to the floor.

And we stared into each other's souls. The bag. With all the stuff. Became meaningless. There was no more stuff. It was only our souls. And we stared into each other's eyes for 5 of the most beautiful minutes of my life. I was speechless.

Without a single word, she began to teach me. In that moment, I realized a bigger meaning to life. I had been focused too much on material things and completely overlooking the essence of the people around me. She taught me there is no such thing as "stuff," only souls...  souls walking this earth I had been blind to... it was the most blissful moment of my life.

When I was finally able to pick my jaw up off the floor, I managed to ask, 

“Where have you been? I thought you weren’t going to show?”

She looked at me, her eyes sparkling with a knowing smirk, and said, 

“You’re the one acting like I haven’t been here the entire time.”

That hit me like a ton of bricks.

She continued, “I’ve always been here. I’ve been with you every step of the way. The moment you cried out for me, I came to you—but I was never far. I’m always here, as long as you believe I am.”

And suddenly, it all made sense. She had been there all along, standing right behind me through every moment of my life and I didn’t even know it. I couldn’t see her because I didn’t believe she was there. It was my own disbelief that created the distance between us. 

The moment I cried out and believed, I could finally see—she had never left me. She was with me all along.

I started to pray:

Thank you, God, for always being in my life.

Thank you, God, for always being with me every single day.

Thank you for guiding me and choosing me.

Thank you for guiding me to the greatest life I could ever imagine. 

Thank you for making your path so easy and clear for me to see.

Thank you for being with me now.

Thank you for being with me NOW!

We stood together in silence. 

After a few minutes went by, she disappeared, and the ceremony ended. 

That night I was convinced that was the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me. I mean imagine meeting a mentor, who is so much further ahead of you, so much smarter than you,  that they’ve been standing right behind you your entire life, watching your every move, and not once did you ever notice them. Now that’s what I call a world-class gangster! 

So, the next day, I took a little less Ayahuasca and went back to God and said, “Well you know what? That thing you did back there—standing behind me my whole life without me knowing—that’s pretty amazing!!!! And I’ve been looking for a new mentor. Someone who’s a million steps ahead of me and guides me to the greatest life I can imagine. So how about this idea: Teach me everything you know, and I’ll work for you for free! I’ll be the best miracle worker who ever lived. Teach me all your secrets; let’s rock, let’s roll.”

And she’s like, “Deal” and I sign a deal to follow God’s Plan for the rest of my life. 

Suddenly, I sit up real fast; I’m on my knees in this big room full of people, and I just hear this voice saying, “I’m a warrior for God! I’m a warrior for God!” The shamans noticed me and came over and started ringing these little bells in my ears.

*bing a ling a ling a ling a ling*

I’m thinking: “I’m a world-class warrior for God.”

*bing a ling a ling a ling a ling*

Deeply programming this new identity into my brain. 

“I’m a world-class warrior for God.”

*bing a ling a ling a ling a ling*

“I am the greatest Warrior for God who ever lived.”

*bing a ling a ling a ling a ling”

The next day of ayahuasca, God turns me into a Wizard and begins to teach me the secrets of manifestation. How to control my reality with my mind. 

On the fourth day, she sends me straight to hell for warrior training camp. A new Shaman from Columbia came to give us this special Ayahuasca from Peru, which was designed to clean up the forgotten pain of your life by projecting it from your body the hard way. Here I am locked in a room of 50 people throwing up and screaming in agony. One woman was convinced the shaman is going to “kill us all”, screaming bloody murder for six hours while they held her down trying to stop her from sprinting out into the jungle at 2am. There was no music —just good old fashion terror. And I’m just thinking, “BRING IT ON!!!” As the newly appointed Wizard / Warrior for God this kind of adventure was exactly what I was looking for. DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME! 

Unfortunately, never in my wildest dreams did I realize this “Warrior Training Bootcamp” was just a beautiful foreshadowing of the real Warrior Training God was preparing to send me through. 

Because just the next day after my ceremony finished, I realized that my $6,000,000 crypto portfolio had just violently crashed to $1.3 million. There had been a massive dip in the market while I wasn’t looking and I had completely missed it. 

I thought, “WHOA NELLY!!! What’s going on here?” I went to sell $100,000, and it tanked the value even more. People were freaking out because they knew I was holding way too much liquidity in the project. 

I was like, “Oh my God, if I pull out now, I’m going to kill this whole project, kill the developers, ruin their future and I’ll destroy any chance of another pump.” On top of that a lot of my friends were in this investment too so If I killed it —they’d hate me forever. 

I had a choice: I could either sell now, kill everything, and have everyone hate me, or I could stick it out, hope for another pump, and give these guys a chance… I chose to give them a chance, head back to Stockholm, and ride it out. 

Three months later, my investment dropped down to $300,000. I pulled the rest out, and they kicked me out of the Telegram group for selling. Freaking cult. They welcome you with open arms, but they kill you if you try to leave.

Now imagine this. Here I am, living in a hotel in Stockholm, with no team, no product, no business, no job, no motivation —just me, burning money by the day, alone. 

“Okay God, we need to have a little talk again.” 

I took a walk and stumbled upon a large open park, where neat dirt trails curved around towering stone sculptures and benches sat under the shade of massive trees. The air smelled like earth and leaves, and sunlight flickered across the paths. Passing by Swedish families strolling with their quiet conversations, I found a green wooden bench beneath a large oak tree, sat down, and looked up at the sky and said, “God, what’s the deal here? You and I both know I can do so much more if I’m super rich. Why did this happen? I would have sworn I was following God’s Plan perfectly! What’s the deal—are we doing this or not?”

And God says, “You’re fine.” 

I felt a weird sensation like suddenly I was talking to a guy again. I said, “Bro, come on! How could I possibly be fine!!??? I just lost ALL THIS MONEY. What was the point of giving it to me if we were just going to throw it away!!?” 

And God says, “I said You’re fine.” 

I’m sitting there with a blank stare. 



“You’re doing it.” He says, 

“Okay, okay. Welp. If God says we’re doing it, then we must be doing it.”

I head back to my hotel room thinking… I better start figuring out what to do now.

Then it hit me. There’s only one way out of this situation. 


Manifesting is the only way out of this. I don’t want to start a team, and I don’t have the drive to launch another business. Manifesting is my only way out of this. 

So I headed to the local library to start bringing myself up to speed on manifestation again. 

You see, the last book I read before my life took off after 4 years of failing was Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God. Then I had that wild $0-$40M winning streak with the Something Amazing method. Yet I wasn’t really crystal clear about what was happening from a spiritual point of view. I wanted to be sharp as a tack knowing what was going on. 

As I was looking for somebody new to study, I stumbled upon Neville Goddard. Immediately I knew I found my guy and I started diving into his teachings every day. This became my full-time job – just to study manifesting from Neville Goddard. 

Neville was not only talking about manifesting ideas I had never heard, he was talking about The Bible in a way I’d never seen before.

At first, I thought to myself. “The Bible? “Please don’t talk to me about the Bible…” 

You see as a kid, my parents pretty much held me under water until I became Christian. Branding me with the middle name Christian. So naturally I spat it all back out in my teens. 

My Dad studied the Bible every morning for 30 years, but he always seemed to struggle in business so I was convinced that book didn’t work.

Because of this, I’d always been pretty anti-Bible. I believe God is the most magical thing in the world. I thought that if people truly had the whole God thing figured out, they would have the most magical lives in the world. And the communities that had God figured out, that community would have the most magical people in the world. And that was NOT my experience with the Christian community I grew up in. 

As a kid, they programmed me with the idea that I’m a sinner, I’m broken, I’m not worthy, and God wouldn’t want to touch me with a 10-foot pole. He’d show up as a burning bush, but never as a disgusting sinner of a human. They told me I was bad, and that I needed to “call Jesus into my life” so he could act like a bridge to help me connect to God. 

Everyone in my church thought like that. Everyone was a broken, unworthy sinner on the inside. There were no amazing role models who were living the abundant amazing life I was being called to create. 

Yet Neville went on to explain how the opposite is true. That you are more powerful than you could ever imagine. Backing it up with proof that’s been riddled throughout the Bible. 

"Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10

"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" - 1 Corinthians 3:16

"I have said, ‘You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.’" - Psalm 82:6

You know that soul you have inside of you? That soul that came here before you were born and is going to go on after you die? Do you ever think about what that’s made of? News flash. Your soul is cut from the same cloth as God. God lives within you! 

Before God created the heavens and the universe, all there was, was God. So God used the only thing that he had (which was God) to create everything. Therefore God is in everything! 

God lives within all of us. You are God. I am God. God is all around us. God created everything to experience life through the eyes of everything! Including humans! 

This isn’t some egotistical ‘I Am God bow before me’ kind of thing walking around with a puffy chest. It’s saying that God lives within all of us. We are all connected to God. Think about it. Jesus didn’t pray to Jesus. Jesus prayed to God. He was connected to God. And you must learn to be connected with God. 

And why could this possibly be important Neville explained? Because you have the God of Creation living within you. 

Meaning, God left a magical “Harry Potter wand” inside your imagination that allows you to create your reality.  Every thought, every word, every imagination is the root cause behind everything you have in life.

Manifesting is REAL!!! God gave you the power to bend your reality! You are constantly creating your reality and the proof is riddled all throughout the Bible! 

  • Matthew 6:33: Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you. 
  • Mark 11:24: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
  • Luke 8:18: "Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have."*
  • Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I was shocked when I came across this. It made so much sense to me!! I felt like I was beginning to understand how manifestation works! How my words, thoughts, and emotions have been creating my reality! I felt the power coming back! 

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." ~ Proverbs 23:7*

I thought back to when I was a kid. No wonder I didn’t have any amazing role models. No wonder my Dad struggled for so long. Imagine what kind of life you’d manifest if, at the root of your soul, you kept affirming to yourself, ‘I am broken. I am a sinner. I am not worthy!’

Do you think it’s a life where you feel confident, alive, and ready to follow God’s Plan and create the most epic life you can imagine? No. Do you think God’s plan for you is to feel weak, powerless, and stuck? That He created you just so He could sit back and judge or smite you all the time? Of course not.

Now, I’m not one for conspiracies, but it does make you wonder—who would benefit from having a belief system like this in place? Imagine being a pharaoh or an emperor who needed to keep millions of people under control, locked into a system to serve his plan for the rest of their lives. Making people feel unworthy, powerless, and disconnected from God’s Plan for their life —well, that might’ve been the perfect way to suppress the masses.

Fill them with fear, doubt, limiting beliefs, and uncertainty. Quiet their true selves. Numb their dreams. Sedate their souls. Keep them from ever realizing the potential, freedom, and fullness of life they were meant to experience—all while they stayed in line and did the job. Permanently.

I don’t know who it was—Emperor Constantine? Saint Augustine? The Council of Nicaea? Maybe someone else entirely. And honestly, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that those beliefs sound like a scam to me. Some BS someone tried to program in me to control me. And I’m not buying it. 

Neville went on to explain that they told us the Bible was some sort of history book. They told us it was an autobiography on Jesus. That the writers were great historians. 

But the truth is, the people who wrote the Bible, were the world’s greatest keepers of wisdom. They knew the wisdom could be manipulated or misunderstood, so they buried deeper truths under the veil of history, wrapping profound spiritual teachings in layers of allegory and parable. These lessons were never lost—they were hidden in plain sight, waiting for those with the eyes to see and the heart to seek.

The stories, metaphors, and allegories were all designed to tell the story of our soul. But many have taken these teachings literally, never looking beneath the surface. In reality, a secret inner world is encoded in these texts, hidden from those unable—or unwilling—to see.

Neville showed how in Luke 1:26. When the Angel Gabriel comes down to Mary to prophecy about Jesus’s coming birth. Saying God has chosen her. She is special. She is called for something amazing. She will conceive in her womb and give birth to a son. This son will be amazing. Called the Son of God. God will give him the throne and his kingdom will reign forever. Mary said it “is impossible” and “I’m still a virgin.” And the Angel Gabriel said, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” This Holy Spirit will come over you and this Holy Child will be called the son of God. 

Now this ain’t a story about Jesus! IT'S ABOUT YOU! 

The angel is the messenger—those intuitive hits you get, trying to nudge you to become something more. Mary is your subconscious mind. The angel is here to tell you that YOU are CHOSEN!! YOU are special! You are worthy! You are amazing! God has a plan for YOU! YOU will give birth to the true divine version of yourself. Like a caterpillar discovering it’s a butterfly. The most epic, most lit, most radiatingly abundant version of you will be born within your imagination! And this new being within you will lead you to the THRONE and you will reign in the KINGDOM forever. 

You say “it’s impossible” because “I’m nowhere near where I want to be”. And God says, “With God all things are possible”

I couldn’t believe I’d been missing this. My entire advertising career was about telling stories and planting hidden messages within them to subconsciously inspire people to solve their problems today. This is EXACTLY what is happening in the Bible! They left hidden messages underneath the stories to preserve the wisdom through time! 

Neville explained that the Bible is not just a HISTORY BOOK or JESUS AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Every sentence is about us. It’s a story of our soul! 

And if you want to know the secret laws of manifestation, they’ve been hidden inside of The 10 Commandments. 


  1. Thou Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

Before the heavens and the earth, there was only God. And when it came time to build, God had only Himself to work with. So, everything that was made, was made out of God—which means God is in everything. Including you! Your spirit is cut from that same cloth as God. And this is one of the most life-changing truths you can discover.

God left the power to bend reality in our imagination, thoughts, and in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. This is why the law of attraction works; this is why your thoughts become things. It’s the power of God in you working through you!

The first commandment is a calling to recognize that you are in control and not to put your power to some other figure in the sky. You have always been the creator of your reality. You are 100% responsible for everything in your life. This gives you the power to change it! Without this knowledge, you become a victim. With it, you are the beautiful creator.

  1. Thou Shall Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image

We’re talking about your imagination here. How often are you thinking about the worst-case scenarios? How often are you worrying that things will go wrong? Scared that things will go wrong? Stop radiating fear energy!!

If God truly lives in your imagination, and your imagination is creating your reality, what do you think is happening when you imagine all those bad situations does to your life? It creates suffering. It attracts hell. That’s how hell on Earth is drawn to people—people who are consistently imagining things going wrong, putting themselves down, imagining the worst-case scenario.

This commandment is a calling to believe that you must imagine the most amazing things happening in your life. You must imagine the best-case scenario, the most beautiful outcomes. God lives in your imagination. Every thought must be about things going right, things going incredibly well. This is the law you’re leveraging when you’re journaling on the question, “3 Amazing Goals my future self accomplished”. You’re taking a few seconds to imagine the best-case scenario. Imagine it working! You must learn to develop a world-class imagination, and this is why this daily habit can transform your life!

  1. Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain

Question: What is God’s name? Is it really “God”? When God came to Moses in the burning bush and commanded him to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, Moses asked, “When I go to Egypt and they ask who sent me, what do I say your name is? God replied, “I AM WHO I AM. Tell the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

God’s true name is I AM. Every time you use the phrase “I am” you invoke the creative power of God. To take God’s name in vain means to misuse this power with negative affirmations.

When you say things like, “I am not good enough” or “I am afraid” you are misusing God’s creative force. It’s disrespectful. You are actively molding something beautiful into something disrespectful. You are taking the Lord's name in vain.

This is why it is said, "Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’" - Joel 3:10

You must speak to yourself from the highest place possible. Using affirmations that reflect the greatness within you. “I am wealthy. I am world-class. I am loved. I am a lean mean jacked and juicy machine warrior for God creating the greatest life I could ever imagine.” This is why we do I AM affirmations in the daily journal. This practice will help you elevate your self-concept and harness the full power of I AM. Remember your thoughts create your reality, so speak only what you wish to create.

  1. Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy

God didn’t rest on the 7th day because he was tired. God rested on the 7th day because all of creation was complete. His work was finished, and everything he imagined had come into being. This is the essence of the Sabbath— it’s about fulfillment.

This commandment is a reminder for us to mentally rest in the state of the wish fulfilled. Every Sunday (or any day you choose) pause from your efforts and assume that your desires are already realized. You don’t stop working because you’re tired, but because in your imagination, the work is done.

I like to call it Manifest Sundays. Your job is to stop striving for the day and go have the most amazing day as if your greatest desires have already come true. To “keep it holy” means to immerse yourself in the feeling of your dreams being fulfilled. Spend the day in gratitude, joy, and peace, knowing that what you’ve imagined is already on its way to manifesting in your life. Celebrate as if it’s already done. By doing this,

you’re casting boomerangs of epicness out unto the universe that will come back and bring greatness into your life. Trust the process—what you’ve envisioned in the unseen will soon become visible.

  1. Honor Thy Father and Mother

Your father is your conscious mind, the leader generating thoughts and ideas, responsible for the images you hold. The father directs focus, choosing what to create within your mind.

Your mother is your subconscious mind—the true creator. She brings to life whatever the conscious mind impresses upon her. The father, your conscious mind, plants the ideas, and the mother, your subconscious, nurtures them, allowing them to take root and grow. The reality you experience is the "child" born from this process.

"Honor thy father and mother" is a reminder to respect and engage with this process intentionally. Honor the conscious mind's power to choose and the subconscious mind's power to create.

  1. Thou Shall Not Kill

This commandment goes beyond physical harm—it's about not killing dreams, not shutting down the intuition and creative potential that God is speaking into your heart and mind. It calls to protect the dreams within you and to never discourage someone else’s vision. You don’t know what groundbreaking technology will be created over the next 50 years. "Realistic" is just a limitation, and with God, all things are possible.

You shall not kill anyone’s dreams, including your own. Don’t put anyone down or doubt the calling they feel inside. Instead, approach each person’s dreams with a spirit of belief and encouragement, trusting that every dream deserves a chance to live. Every one of us has a calling, and each calling is meant to be manifested into reality. Be a believer in the infinite potential God has placed within each of us.

  1. Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery

Spiritual Adultery is failing to stay true to your core identity. It’s when you’ve discovered you’re a butterfly, yet you fall back into seeing yourself as a caterpillar. Once you know who you truly are, there’s no going back. You must be married to this higher vision, fully committed to seeing yourself as the true self God revealed to you.

See yourself as already living in the ‘promised land’ of your highest self. Picture and feel yourself confidently embodying your true identity. When you live from this end state, you invite your reality to rise and meet you there. Feel the truth of your higher self as if it’s already real. Truly embody this feeling, and let it guide your thoughts, decisions, and actions. The more you feel aligned with this core identity, the more it becomes your living reality.

Stay faithful to this promise. Don’t let the temptations of 3D reality pull you back into caterpillar thinking. Once you know you’re a butterfly—your divine core identity—stay rooted in it.

  1. Thou Shall Not Steal

It’s not just physical stealing. It's stealing thoughts, stealing ideas, stealing dreams that God gave to someone else. When you see other people doing something awesome, and you run off to copy them, you’re not paying attention to what God’s plan for you is.

God has an amazing, customized, personalized plan just for you. This commandment is a reminder to stop looking at everyone else’s journey and start tuning into the one God designed just for you. Start meditating, having conversations with God, listening and aligning with the divine vision planted within you. Honor the path God has paid for you. Trust he has a world-class plan for you and fulfill your role in this grand design.

  1. Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor

Haven’t you seen by now that life is a game of boomerang? Every bit of gossip, criticism, judgment, and negativity you send out will come right back into your life. The way you see others is a reflection of how you see yourself, and every low vibrational thought or word you cast out will mirror itself in your own experience.

Only speak only words of love, upliftment, and positivity. Send out respect, care, and kindness. See others as you wish to be seen, and speak to them as you’d want to be spoken to. When you honor others with positive energy, you create a world that honors you in return. This commandment reminds you to choose words and thoughts that lift others up, knowing that the love you give will always find its way back to you.

  1. Thou Shall Not Covet

To covet is to believe that something is beyond your reach, that someone else has what you want, and that you are somehow lacking. This mindset of jealousy and lack only serves to push your desires further away, reinforcing the idea that you do not have enough. Coveting is rooted in the belief that someone else has something you want. But in truth, you are the creator of your reality. Through your imagination, you can bring anything you desire into your experience. Instead of feeling envious of what others have, bless those who possess the things you admire. In doing so, you affirm that abundance is available to all.

The key is to shift your focus from lack to gratitude and belief. Affirm that you already possess all that you need and desire within your imagination. When you do this, what you seek will manifest effortlessly in your life. Everything you desire is already yours; you simply need to realize it.

Getting On God’s Plan

My mind blew when I saw the 10 Commandments in that new light. I started thinking about what it means to follow God’s Plan for your life. 

Now when I say God’s Plan, I don’t just mean some higher power in the sky telling you what you should do with your life. God is the observer. Not the director. 

The same way a father wants all of their children’s dreams to come true is the same way God wants all of your wildest dreams to come true! All he wants is the BEST CASE SCENARIO for your life! The most amazing life you could ever imagine. 

God created you for a reason! He chose you and put dreams in you for a reason! Because he loves you. And he believes in you. And he wants every single vision you’ve ever had to come true! Every pain you’ve ever felt to be healed! Every dream you’ve ever had to be achieved! 

That’s why he put all those there in the first place!! And here’s the best part. 

Instead of being some “big guy in the sky” that “holds the keys” and “is the deciding factor” for whether your dreams come true, God is so freaking amazing that he put the power in YOUR hands! He gave you the ability to bend your reality using the power of your imagination and your emotions to blast out focused energy into the universe. 

Don’t mistake what “God’s will be done” actually means! God’s will is for your soul’s will to be experienced! You are worthy of experiencing your best-case scenario for your life! 

Now when I was a little boy, I didn’t get this. I thought all God wanted for me was to be the greeter at the front door of a church my whole life. And that made me pissed. 

I was a motivated, talented, fun, and exciting kid. I used to think 

“Is that really the BEST PLAN God’s got for my life? Greeting people at the front of a small church? Am I really that UNWORTHY of anything better? Can he not think of anything better? Do I really have to waste my life in mediocrity? On top of that, I liked porn like any other teenager. So not only did I think God was trying to get me on some stupid boring life, but he was judging me the entire time!!! Who wants to hang out with someone like that? 

No wonder I spat all of that out. Who wouldn’t 

I had no idea how WRONG I was! 

God does have an amazing plan for my life! God is NOT judging every action that I take. He freaking loves everything about me and he loves everything about YOU TOO! He thinks you’re freaking awesome! He chose you! You have the dreams. You were chosen. He picked YOU for God’s Team and he put those dreams in YOUR soul! 

He wants to help you create the most amazing life you could ever imagine! That’s why we follow God! Because he’s got the most amazing plan for your life and he knows how to help you get there! 

Do you remember the story of the parable of the talents in the Bible? There was once a master who had three servants, and he gave them some money—they call them talents. One guy gets five talents, another guy gets two talents, and the last guy gets one talent.

Now, the first two guys crush it. They do an amazing job and double the money. When the master returns, he’s like, “Nice work boys!! You killed it! You’re awesome!! Here’s some money as a reward, and on top of that, I’m going to give you a bigger, better, more important job! Congratulations!”

But then he gets to the third guy. And this guy was scared. Living in fear. Living in worry. So, he buries his talent. He buries the money to try and protect it. And when the master came to collect, the guy’s like, “Listen, I thought you were going to be pissed off if I lost all the money. So I decided to bury it so I wouldn’t lose it.”

But the master goes something like… “You wicked and lazy sloth! How dare you? We’re trying to grow here! We’re miracle workers! What are you doing!? Why would you think I gave you this talent if I didn’t think you were worthy of succeeding at it? Why did you let fear, doubt, and worry run your life? I could have buried it myself if I wanted to!!” 

So, he takes the talent away from him and the guy’s whole world falls apart. The worst-case scenario manifested. Where all the fear, doubt, and worry you have been boomeranging out into the universe for months and years has now come back to you and shown up as the worst case imaginable for your life. 

Here’s the lesson. God gives us amazing opportunities. He puts desires in our hearts to follow. Gives us games to play, tasks to complete, and is seeking to guide us to the best-case scenario for our lives. Our promised land. But it’s up to us to step up and be the miracle workers—the capable, extraordinary people that we are.

He chose us for this because He knew we could do it. There’s a way to make it work. He gave us these talents for a reason: to do something amazing with our lives. It’s our responsibility to take it, crush it, and dominate God’s plan. To do the most world-class, incredible job for God’s plan so we can live the most amazing life possible.

Today when I look at Elon Musk, all I think about is a guy who consistently, endlessly crushed God’s plan—over and over and over again. From Paypal to SolarCity to Tesla to SpaceX, to now working on DOGE with the government,—unbelievable. Now that’s what I call crushing his soul’s purpose one plan at a time. 

This is what it means to be a true Warrior for God. Someone who can connect with their soul’s calling, receive guidance, follow their intuition, and work with God to make it happen. By aligning with God’s plan, we become part of something much bigger, with God’s guidance directing us every step of the way.

Be Ye Transformed By the Renewing Of Your Mind 

I kept digging into Neville. Looking to create profound clarity around how you can manifest the life of your dreams. How do you work with God to create the life of your wildest imagination? It all started when I found this quote. 

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." – Romans 12:2

Every part of your life was created by an old state of consciousness. Everything around you—everything you’re looking at right now—was created by the old thoughts, feelings, and ideas you’ve been radiating, along with the actions you’ve taken. That’s what shaped your reality. Your consciousness runs everything. 

Who you are is just a set of programs. It's things that your churches taught you, your institutions taught you, your parents taught you. They programmed you at a very early age. 

Think of it like this: just as a computer runs on a set of programs to carry out specific tasks, your brain works in a similar way. Instead of software, your brain runs a series of beliefs, habits, and ideas—programs that were "installed" into your subconscious mind over the years. These beliefs shape how you see the world and how you respond to different situations.

And just like how if you want to change the fruits, you gotta change the roots. If you want to change your life, you must first change the programs. Like a Caterpillar who discovers it’s a Butterfly, a new version of yourself must begin to be born within you. It all begins in your mind! 

I’m not just talking about a couple of ideas that need to be created within you. I’m talking about a HUGE amount of NEW thoughts and ideas that must come into your mind!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

 A massively new vision, with a list of crystalized details, including who you are, how you live, and what emotions you radiate, must be created and reprogrammed into yourself to transform. (don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to do this in the workshops coming up). 

But here’s the thing: Even though reprogramming your mind means creating an entirely new level of clarity, it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Just try asking yourself these questions: 

What is the most amazing goal my future self accomplished within the next 1 year? 

Using “I AM” affirmations, how would you describe that person's life, relationships, mindset, body, finances, discipline, spirituality, and habits? 

What core emotions would that version of you be radiating now that you’re living this life? 

Create a long list and describe who that person is, then save it into a morning prayer to read every morning to reprogram your mind. Repetition is key here! (We will help you do this in the workshops coming up) 

Do not say, I WILL, I WANT, I NEED. For only I AM are the words that manifest the life where you have it now. Any other words will manifest a life where you do not have it now.

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

The final thing that must be rewired is your Energy.

Everybody knows that energy is what creates attraction. 

But somehow 99% of society misses the idea that energy in motion is called emotion!

Your emotions are what attract things into your life. And emotions attached to specific details in your imagination is how you attract specific things into your life! 

The energy you’re putting out is what you’re getting back. The best part is, it’s all under your control! This is the gift God has given us. The power to bend reality fueled by our belief and faith. Life is a game of energetic boomerangs, and you’re the one who’s been throwing the boomerangs!  

This is the KEY you've been looking for! To attract what you are seeking, you must feel the feeling of your wish fulfilled! When you feel the energy over and over again, it begins to become your dominant emotion. This is when your manifestation becomes inevitable. This is when you manifest experiences that make you feel the same emotion you’ve been blasting out! Here’s the life-changing question: 

If you imagine your future self, the one who has already accomplished all their goals, what is the core emotion you are radiating right now?

Is it Peace? Freedom? Excitement? Joy? Love? This is the state God is calling you to embody. Your feelings are the proof of your faith, proof you believe God has promised this for you. If you cannot reach this state—if you cannot truly feel as though your wish is already fulfilled—what you seek cannot be realized. Everything depends on the energy and emotions you radiate from within.

Only when you imagine yourself already living your vision and radiating the energy of the wish fulfilled will it come true.

The proof of this truth is everywhere!

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7 

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4

"According to your faith, be it unto you." -  Matthew 9:29

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." - Proverbs 4:23

Famous celebrities, well-known figures, and important people have been pushing this message of energetic attraction for decades. Crying out for us to hear this message.  

"The energy you put out into the world is the energy you get back." - Oprah Winfrey

"Your word is your wand. The words you speak and the emotions you feel are constantly creating your reality." - Florence Scovel Shinn

"The better you feel, the more you will allow the universe to deliver the things you desire." - Rhonda Byrne

"That which is like unto itself is drawn." - Esther Hicks

Begin at once to abandon the old emotions. Abandon the old version of you. Imagine you are already experiencing the incredible life you desire. Feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled until you are consumed by it. Until it drowns out all other ideas in your mind. Feel the feeling until it becomes the dominant emotion. 

Even if your circumstances haven't changed yet, you must feel different. Because if you don't change how you feel, nothing will change. If you do not imagine yourself as other than what you are, then you will remain as you are.  Do not be fooled by the illusions around you. The outer world is simply a reflection of your inner state. You must first change the feeling inside to see a difference outside. Only then will the life you desire begin to manifest.

The Compass of Creation

This is the Compass of Creation. A powerful tool to aligning your emotions with the life you desire. The Compass Creation reveals:

  • The energy you’re currently radiating and the situations it’s attracting.
  • The opposite emotional frequency that can help you shift your energy and transform your reality.

The Compass of Creation was born from the process of gaining clarity on the emotions we experience, the energies they radiate, and how those energies boomerang back to shape our reality.

It shocked me to reflect on this compass. As I looked at it, I thought back to my biggest wins and successes in my career. I realized I’d been practicing these positive emotions every single day!

During the most exciting and transformative chapters of my life, I was deeply aligned with emotions like anticipation and excitement. One of favorite affirmations was, “I am always excited about something!” I’d stay up late and write down everything coming up I was excited about in my life. Building my excitement up over and over again. I’d practice gratitude, and trusting in God and my belief. I had confidence that I was here for a reason. I felt like I was being guided on a mission. I felt love for the life I was creating and had the courage to take bold, inspired action. I felt whole because I knew my promised future was mine. That energy propelled me forward. I was radiating so many of these energies all at once! 

And what happened?

  • Exciting breakthroughs in my business that kicked off amazing win streaks, propelling me to new heights.
  • Inspiring connections with mentors who brought me in and held onto me, simply because my positive energy added emotional value to their lives—value that money couldn’t buy or replace.
  • Fast-moving wins where things suddenly exploded and took off with incredible speed.
  • Big opportunities that seemed to appear out of nowhere, as if magical doors were opening to bring good things into my life.
  • Divine interventions that aligned me with exactly what I needed at the perfect moment.

These experiences taught me a profound truth: the energy you radiate reflects the life you attract. Positive emotions create forward momentum, while negative emotions hold you back. The Compass of Creation captures this dynamic beautifully, offering a clear path to shift your energy and transform your reality.

If you’re stuck in a negative emotional pattern—like worry, doubt, or resentment—it’s no surprise that your experiences mirror those feelings. The Compass of Creation gives you a way forward. Simply identify where you are now, go to the opposite energy on the wheel, and start practicing the emotion that will shift your vibration.

What you feel today shapes what you attract tomorrow. This compass is your guide to rewire your energy and align your emotions with the life you desire. Let’s dive deeper into each emotion and exploring the patterns they create, the realities they attract, and how you can make powerful shifts to step into your best life.

From Emotional Traps to Life-Changing Energy

Before we dive into how to transform your energy, I want to share a story with you.

There was once a candle in heaven, shining so brightly that it couldn’t truly see itself. It said to God, "I want to know who I really am." So God sent it into the darkness. Surrounded by shadows, the candle cried out, "Why did you throw me into this darkness, away from all the light?" And God replied, "So you can know who you truly are." Suddenly, with the darkness around it. The candle could finally see who it really was. 

Negative emotions are much like that darkness. While heavy and overwhelming, they have a purpose: they help you discover who you truly are. The pain you feel today reveals the positive emotions your higher self is meant to radiate.

Think of your North Star as the best-case scenario for your life and negative emotions as your South Star, showing you what’s missing or out of alignment. By flipping these heavy emotions into their positive opposites, you’ll uncover the energy that will guide you toward your North Star.

The good news? You already have everything you need to make this shift. Your brain is an incredible pharmacy, constantly releasing chemicals based on the thoughts and emotions you experience. By choosing and practicing positive emotional states—like peace, gratitude, or joy—you can rewire your mind, change your chemistry, and begin to feel different, right here and now.

In the following sections, we’ll explore each negative emotion and its positive counterpart. More importantly, I’ll show you how to bridge the gap between them with practical steps you can take today. Whether it’s worry turning into trust, or frustration evolving into flow, you’ll learn how to use these emotional shifts to create the extraordinary life you’ve always envisioned.

Let’s begin this journey—one emotion at a time—toward discovering the most powerful, radiant version of you.

Shift Doubt to Confidence

Doubt energy radiates hesitation and mistrust. This sends out signals that attract shaky opportunities or situations where nothing seems to work out. Doubt makes it hard to believe in yourself or take action. 

What Doubt Attracts:

  • Missed opportunities because you hesitate to move forward.
  • Relationships that feel unstable, as your lack of belief ripples into your interactions.
  • Unfinished projects due to a constant fear of failure.
  • A cycle of self-doubt where nothing feels certain or achievable.

Doubt keeps you in a loop of mistrust and hesitation, creating a reality where progress feels impossible.

Confidence radiates belief and trust in yourself, attracting stability, bold opportunities, and forward momentum. Confidence is the foundation that allows you to act decisively and take risks, knowing that growth comes from action.

What Confidence Attracts:

  • Aligned opportunities that match your belief in your capabilities.
  • Stronger connections with people who trust your leadership and energy.
  • Success in tasks and goals as you approach them with clarity and determination.
  • A sense of flow and ease, even when challenges arise.

Confidence is about knowing that no matter how it is, or how bad it gets, I am going to make it. 

How to Shift from Doubt to Confidence

  1. Identify Your Wins: Take a moment to list three things you’ve accomplished recently, no matter how small. This builds evidence that you are capable and competent.
  2. Use the Power Pose: Stand tall, shoulders back, and lift your chin. Hold this posture for two minutes. Studies show that adopting a confident stance can trick your brain into feeling more self-assured.
  3. Speak Encouraging Words: Choose affirmations that empower you, such as:
    • “I am capable! I take huge swings everyday!” 
    • “I trust my ability to figure things out.”

Say these out loud or write them down to reinforce your mindset.

  1. Take One Bold Action: Doubt thrives on inaction. Pick one small, meaningful step and do it immediately—whether it’s sending that email, making a decision, or starting a task.
  2. Visualize Your Confident Self: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a moment of success—whether it’s giving a powerful presentation or achieving a goal. Feel the confidence in your body and mind.
  3. Act as if You’re Already Confident: Speak, walk, and behave like someone who believes in themselves. Confidence grows with practice, and your actions can lead your feelings. 
  4. Reflect on Progress: At the end of the day, take note of where you showed confidence, even if it was a small step. Celebrate these moments to build momentum.

By shifting from doubt to confidence, you unlock the energy needed to take bold steps toward your goals. Trust in your ability to adapt and grow, and watch as new opportunities align effortlessly with your belief in yourself.

Shift Worry to Trust

Worry energy radiates fear of what might go wrong, sending out signals that attract mental fog, constant delays, and sleepless nights. It keeps you stuck in a cycle of overthinking, doubting, and fearing failure, making it hard to take decisive action or trust in the process.

What Worry Attracts:

  • Sleepless nights filled with overthinking.
  • Constant delays as hesitation stalls progress.
  • A foggy mind that struggles to focus or find clarity.
  • Anxiety that amplifies fear of failure and uncertainty.
  • Missed opportunities due to second-guessing every decision.

But here’s the truth: there are only two things to worry about—what you can control and what you can’t. If you can control it, take action. If you can’t, let go. Worry is useless and keeps you in a cycle of stagnation and frustration.

Shifting to trust creates a completely different reality.

Trust radiates confidence and calm, attracting clarity, aligned opportunities, and perfect timing. When you embody trust, you release the need to control every detail and step into a flow where life aligns effortlessly.

What Trust Attracts:

  • A sudden solution appearing right when you need it most.
  • Stronger relationships as people sense your calm and assured energy.
  • Perfect timing with opportunities you once thought were out of reach.
  • Feeling lighter and more in control of your emotions, even in uncertainty.

How to shift from Worry to Trust

  1. Pause and Breathe:
    When you notice worry creeping in, stop for a moment. Take three deep breaths, inhaling through your nose for a count of four and exhaling through your mouth for a count of six. Let each breath ground you.
  2. Focus on What’s in Your Control:
    Ask yourself: What is one small thing I can do right now to feel more in control? Take that action, even if it’s tiny—like organizing your thoughts on paper or making one decision.
  3. Visualize the Best Outcome:
    Close your eyes and imagine the situation resolving perfectly. See yourself feeling calm and supported, with everything working out better than expected.
  4. Use an Affirmation:
    Choose a phrase that resonates with you, like:
    • “Life is unfolding perfectly.”
    • “I trust that everything is working out in my favor.”
    • “Only Good things happen.
      Say it out loud or in your mind, letting the words shift your focus.
  5. Act as if You Already Trust:
    Walk, speak, or act like someone who fully trusts that things will work out. This physical shift can help your mind catch up emotionally.
  6. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Notice even the smallest moments where trust pays off—like an unexpected solution or a moment of peace. Acknowledge them to reinforce the new pattern.

By shifting from worry to trust, you free yourself from the cycle of overthinking and hesitation. Embrace the flow of life, and you’ll find that clarity, perfect timing, and aligned opportunities naturally come your way.

Shift Jealousy to Gratitude

Jealous energy radiates a feeling of lack—you feel you don’t have what they have so you’re not good enough. This very toxic vibration keeps you stuck in a loop of comparison and scarcity. Attracts more situations where you feel like you’re falling behind or “not good enough to win” 

What Jealousy Attracts:

  • Missed opportunities because you’re too focused on what others have.
  • Strained relationships as envy creates tension and resentment.
  • A scarcity mindset, making it harder to see or pursue your own blessings.
  • A feeling of being stuck, constantly comparing instead of growing.

Jealousy keeps you looking outward, unable to appreciate your own journey or recognize the abundance already within your reach.

Shift to Gratitude
Gratitude radiates appreciation and abundance, shifting your focus to what you already have and attracting even more to be thankful for. When you embody gratitude, you stop comparing and start celebrating your own blessings, unlocking a flow of joy and possibility.

What Gratitude Attracts:

  • Unexpected opportunities as you align with abundance and positivity.
  • Deeper connections with others as they feel your genuine appreciation.
  • A sense of fulfillment and contentment, even in challenging situations.
  • Greater clarity about your goals, free from comparison and envy.

Gratitude transforms your energy, making you a magnet for joy and abundance.

How to Shift from Jealousy to GratitudeHow to Shift from Jealousy to Gratitude

  1. Acknowledge Your Desires:
Jealousy reveals what you secretly wish for. Write down what you envy and reflect on why it’s important to you. This clarity turns envy into inspiration.
  1. Celebrate Their Success:
    Instead of resenting someone’s achievements, celebrate them. Say, “If they can have it, so can I!” This shifts your focus from lack to possibility.
  2. Create a Gratitude List:
    List three things you’re grateful for right now. Include small things—like the warmth of sunlight or a kind word from a friend. Speak these aloud to amplify the energy.
  3. Imagine Your Future Success:
    Visualize yourself already having what you desire. Feel the emotions of gratitude and joy as if it’s already yours. This aligns your energy with abundance.
  4. Practice a Gratitude Ritual:
    Each morning or evening, write down one thing you’re thankful for and why. Over time, this habit rewires your mindset toward gratitude.
  5. Act in Gratitude:
    Take one small action that reflects appreciation for what you have—whether it’s thanking someone, donating your time, or simply smiling more.
  6. Look for Hidden Blessings:
    Even in challenges, find something to be grateful for. This mindset builds resilience and shifts your focus to the positive.

By shifting from jealousy to gratitude, you’ll discover that what you once envied becomes possible for you too. Gratitude opens the door to joy, abundance, and a life free from comparison.

Shift Laziness to Anticipation

Laziness energy radiates stagnation and avoidance—it signals a lack of motivation and purpose. When stuck in laziness, you feel detached from your goals and unwilling to take meaningful action, creating a cycle of piled-up tasks, lost potential, and aimlessness.

What Laziness Attracts:

  • Piled-up tasks that feel overwhelming to start.
  • Lost potential from missed opportunities and lack of effort.
  • A lack of purpose, making it hard to feel inspired or fulfilled.
  • Feelings of guilt and frustration as progress stagnates.
  • A low-energy state that traps you in procrastination and inertia.

There are no lazy people. Only people with louzy goals. Lousy goals keeps you stuck in the same place because the work is not worth the reward. Breaking free requires aiming 10x bigger. Finding something 10x more meaningful and exciting to you. Then taking small, deliberate actions to reignite your sense of purpose and momentum.

Shift to Anticipation
Anticipation radiates excitement and positive expectation, signaling to the universe that you’re ready for something amazing to happen. When you embody anticipation, you replace stagnation with momentum, attracting opportunities and synchronicities that align with your dreams.

What Anticipation Attracts:

  • A sense of excitement that energizes your actions.
  • Unexpected opportunities, like chance encounters or breakthroughs.
  • Increased focus and clarity on your goals.
  • A natural momentum that propels you toward success.

Anticipation turns the mundane into possibility, making every step feel meaningful.

How to Shift from Laziness to Anticipation
1. Answer the question: What’s the most amazing goal my future self could accomplish within the next 3 months? 

 Break it into small steps and commit to starting with just one action.

  1. Visualize a Reward:
    Picture the joy and fulfillment you’ll feel after accomplishing this goal. Let this vision spark your excitement to take action.
  2. Create an Energizing Routine:
    Move your body to ignite your energy. A quick walk, stretching, or dancing to an upbeat song can break the inertia.
  3. Use a Countdown:
    Set a timer for five minutes and commit to working on something during that time. Often, starting is the hardest part—momentum will follow.
  4. Surround Yourself with Inspiration:
    Read stories, watch videos, or listen to podcasts about people achieving what you aspire to. Let their success fuel your excitement for what’s possible.
  5. Imagine the Amazing Things Coming Your Way:
    Close your eyes and think about one amazing outcome that could happen today. Feel the anticipation of it already unfolding.
  6. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Every small action is progress. Celebrate each win to reinforce the energy of anticipation and keep building momentum.

By shifting from laziness to anticipation, you unlock the drive to take action and align with opportunities that light you up. Anticipation fills your day with purpose and possibility, creating a reality where amazing things truly can happen.

Shift Frustration to Excitement

Frustration energy radiates impatience and resistance, signaling that you’re trying to force results instead of aligning with flow. This creates a cycle of missed solutions, dead-end struggles, and exhaustion, making challenges feel bigger than they are.

What Frustration Attracts:

  • Missed solutions because you’re too focused on the problem.
  • Dead-end struggles that leave you feeling stuck and drained.
  • Exhaustion from the constant spiral of stress and tension.
  • Strained relationships due to irritation and short tempers.
  • Delays and setbacks that compound your sense of being stuck.

Frustration keeps you locked in resistance, making it hard to see the bigger picture or find clarity. Shifting your energy to excitement and flow unlocks pathways to ease and resolution.

Shift to Excitement
Excitement radiates positivity and enthusiasm, signaling to the universe that you’re ready to embrace possibilities. When you embody excitement, obstacles become opportunities, and every step feels like progress toward something amazing.

What Excitement Attracts:

  • Momentum that propels you toward your goals.
  • Creative breakthroughs and innovative solutions.
  • Joyful interactions that spark connection and energy.
  • Fun opportunities that make life feel expansive.
  • Fast-moving progress that brings your vision to life.

Excitement transforms struggle into anticipation, fueling inspired action and aligning you with opportunities that amplify your joy and success.

  1. Reframe the Challenge as an Opportunity:
    Ask yourself: What’s exciting about overcoming this challenge? What could I learn or gain from this situation?
  2. Create a Swing-Based Victory:

Set a small, achievable milestone of taking one swing at the bat. In my world of advertising, most campaigns don’t work. And for a long time, that beat me down. I’d stop getting excited because I figured, “What’s the point? It’s probably not going to work anyway.” That was my mistake. I had it all wrong.

Don’t let home runs be the only thing that fuels your excitement. Let your excitement come from the act of swinging the bat. Can you think of any major opportunities to go after? Any big moves you can make?

When your excitement is tied to the sheer opportunity of taking the swing, it becomes so much easier to radiate excitement—and that energy is what attracts exciting situations back to you.

Don’t wait for the home run to feel excited. It’s your excitement that attracts the home run. Get pumped up every time you take a shot at a big opportunity. The more excitement you radiate, the faster those miracles will find you. Every swing is a chance for something amazing—treat it that way, and watch how quickly life shifts in your favor.

  1. Move Your Body:
    Shake off the tension of frustration with physical movement. Dance, jump, or go for a brisk walk to release stuck energy and invite fresh inspiration.
  2. Visualize Your Desired Outcome:
    Close your eyes and imagine the moment when everything works out perfectly. Feel the excitement of that success as if it’s happening now.
  3. Focus on the Bigger Picture:
    Zoom out and remind yourself why you’re pursuing this goal. Reconnect with the excitement of your ultimate vision and let it guide you.
  4. Use Excitement Affirmations:
    Repeat affirmations like:
    • “I’m excited to see how this unfolds.”
    • “Every swing gets me one step closer to success.”
    • “I am always excited about something” 
  1. Act with Enthusiasm:
    Take one step toward your goal, no matter how small, with a sense of excitement and curiosity. Let this action build momentum and shift your energy.

By shifting from frustration to excitement, you transform resistance into possibility. Excitement opens the door for creativity, joy, and inspired action, aligning you with the breakthroughs and opportunities you’ve been waiting for.

Shift Sadness to Joy

Sadness energy radiates heaviness and hopelessness, attracting situations that feel overwhelming and hard to navigate. It traps you in low motivation and self-doubt, magnifying problems and making even small challenges seem insurmountable.

What Sadness Attracts:

  • Procrastination and avoidance, as everything feels like too much effort.
  • Strained relationships, as your low energy may push people away.
  • Missed opportunities, as sadness clouds your ability to see possibilities.
  • A cycle of self-doubt, making it harder to take positive steps forward.

Sadness can weigh you down, but it's also a signal. It’s your mind asking for release and connection to a lighter, freer energy.

Shift to Joy
Joy radiates pure happiness and lightness, attracting uplifting relationships, creative breakthroughs, and opportunities that make life feel expansive. When you embrace joy, you invite positivity and abundance to flow naturally into your life.

What Joy Attracts:

  • Meaningful connections with people who share your high-vibration energy.
  • Unexpected opportunities and moments that bring you laughter and fun.
  • A sense of flow, where challenges feel manageable and solutions appear effortlessly.
  • Creativity and inspiration, as joy unlocks your ability to dream and imagine.

How to Shift from Sadness to Joy

  1. Honor Your Feelings:
    Allow yourself to feel your sadness without judgment. Accepting where you are emotionally can create space for healing.
  2. Start Small with Gratitude:
    Write down three simple things you’re grateful for today—a warm drink, a kind word, or even the ability to rest. Gratitude begins to lift the weight of sadness.
  3. Move Your Body:
    Play an upbeat song and move to it, even if it’s just swaying. Physical movement can break through stagnant emotions and help you access joy.
  4. Reconnect with Childlike Joy:
    Do something you loved as a kid, whether it’s coloring, dancing, or watching a favorite movie. These activities reconnect you to lighthearted energy.
  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity:
    Spend time with uplifting people or engage with content that makes you laugh or feel inspired.
  6. Practice a Joyful Ritual:
    Create a daily habit, like starting your morning with a song that makes you happy or ending your day by listing the best moments you experienced.
  7. Visualize Your Happy Future:
    Close your eyes and picture yourself in a moment of pure happiness. Imagine what you’re doing, who you’re with, and how it feels. Let the energy of that vision infuse your present moment.

By shifting to joy, you open yourself to a reality where challenges feel lighter, connections grow deeper, and life flows with abundance and ease.

Shift Oppression to Freedom

Oppression energy radiates feelings of being trapped, powerless, and restricted. This energy attracts situations where you feel stuck—whether it’s in an inescapable job, a controlling relationship, or overwhelmed by responsibilities. These experiences leave you drained and unable to move forward, amplifying the sense of confinement.

What Oppression Attracts:

  • Jobs or roles that feel impossible to leave.
  • Controlling dynamics that limit your autonomy.
  • Heavy responsibilities that weigh you down.

Freedom is a truly magical emotion that radiates empowerment, openness, limitless opportunity, boundless potential, effortless flow, clear breakthroughs, and profound inner peace.

What Freedom Attracts:

  • Breakthroughs that resolve long-standing challenges.
  • Opportunities perfectly aligned with your deepest desires and values.
  • A sense of control and lightness, even in uncertainty.
  • The ability to release the past and move forward with ease and grace.

Freedom creates a reality where everything feels possible, unlocking a life of limitless expansion and joy.


How to Shift from Oppression to Freedom

  1. Identify One Area of Restriction:
    Pinpoint where you feel most trapped. Naming the specific area—whether it’s your career, relationship, or responsibilities—gives you clarity on where to start.
  2. Reclaim a Small Choice:
    Take one small step to regain control. This could be setting a boundary, delegating a task, or dedicating time to something you love.
  3. Visualize Liberation:
    Close your eyes and picture yourself living freely. What does it look like? How does it feel? Let this vision remind you of the possibilities ahead.
  4. Release the Uncontrollable:
    Focus on what’s within your power. Write down what’s outside of your control, then let it go—whether through meditation, journaling, or symbolic release.
  5. Move Toward Freedom Physically:
    Physical movement like walking, stretching, or dancing helps release pent-up tension and reinforces the feeling of freedom.
  6. Affirm Your Freedom:
    Repeat affirmations to align your energy with empowerment:
  • “I am free to create my path.”
  • “I release what no longer serves me.”
  • “Every step I take moves me toward freedom.”
  1. Take One Bold Action:
    Choose one tangible action that brings you closer to freedom—a small but meaningful decision to break free from what’s holding you back.

By shifting to freedom, you release the weight of oppression and step into a life where opportunities, lightness, and clarity become your reality. Let each step guide you to the expansive possibilities that await.

Shift Chaos to Peace

Chaos & Overwhelm
Chaos energy radiates overwhelm and overload, attracting scattered opportunities, confusion, and exhaustion. It creates a sense of urgency and lack of control, leaving you feeling as though life is spinning out of balance.

What Chaos Attracts:

  • Physical burnout that leaves your body completely drained.
  • Endless to-do’s that pile up faster than you can handle.
  • Spiraling stress that builds with no relief in sight.
  • Missed opportunities as scattered focus clouds your judgment.
  • Strained relationships as tension and miscommunication escalate.

Chaos signals that life is out of alignment, urging you to pause, regain clarity, and reconnect with a sense of order and flow.

Shift to Peace

Peace radiates calm and balance, attracting stability, clarity, and effortless alignment. When you embody peace, you create a centered foundation that allows everything in your life to flow with ease.

What Peace Attracts:

  • Harmonious relationships as your calm energy soothes interactions.
  • Clear solutions and aligned opportunities that seem to appear effortlessly.
  • A sense of control over your time, decisions, and emotions.
  • The ability to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.

How to Shift from Chaos to Peace

  1. Stop and Ground Yourself:
    When chaos feels overwhelming, place your feet flat on the ground and take a few slow, deep breaths. Imagine roots extending from your feet into the earth, anchoring you in the present moment.
  2. Declutter Your Mind:
    Write down everything on your mind—tasks, worries, or decisions. Prioritize one thing you can focus on, and let the rest wait.
  3. Create a Peaceful Environment:
    Take a few minutes to tidy your space or light a candle. Physical order helps create mental calm.
  4. Engage in Stillness:
    Spend five minutes in meditation, focusing on your breath or repeating a calming phrase like, “I am at peace.” This simple practice centers your energy.
  5. Shift Your Perspective:
    Ask yourself, “What truly matters right now?” Let go of the unnecessary and focus on what brings clarity and calm.
  6. Immerse in Nature:
    Go for a walk in the park, sit by water, or even just step outside for fresh air. Nature has a natural ability to recalibrate your energy.
  7. Take One Intentional Step:
    Instead of rushing to fix everything, choose one small, meaningful action that aligns with calm and balance.

By shifting to peace, you transform chaos into clarity and create a life that flows with ease and harmony.

Shift Resentment to Forgiveness

Resentment energy radiates bitterness and unresolved hurt, attracting repeated patterns of betrayal, injustice, and emotional stagnation. It traps you in a cycle of reliving past pain, blocking your ability to heal and move forward.

What Resentment Attracts:

  • Strained relationships due to carrying past grievances into present interactions.
  • A sense of being stuck, as unresolved emotions weigh you down.
  • Missed opportunities for growth and connection because bitterness clouds your focus.
  • Repeated experiences that mirror your feelings of hurt and betrayal.

Resentment ties you to the pain of the past, keeping you from the joy of the present.

Shift to Forgiveness
Forgiveness radiates understanding and release, attracting harmony, inner peace, and fresh opportunities. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse the harm done but empowers you to reclaim your energy and focus on growth.

What Forgiveness Attracts:

  • A lightness and freedom from emotional burdens, allowing you to focus on the present.
  • Stronger and more authentic relationships as you let go of past grievances.
  • Clarity and peace, creating space for joy and new beginnings.
  • Opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, unblocked by bitterness.

How to Shift from Resentment to Forgiveness

  1. Acknowledge the Pain:
    Write down how you feel and why the situation hurt you. Naming your emotions can bring clarity and reduce their intensity.
  2. Reframe the Story:
    Ask yourself: “What lesson or growth opportunity can I take from this experience?” Shift the focus from what happened to how you can grow.
  3. Practice Empathy:
    Imagine the other person’s perspective, even if it’s challenging. This doesn’t mean excusing their actions but understanding that hurt people often hurt others.
  4. Visualize Letting Go:
    Close your eyes and picture the resentment as a heavy weight. Imagine releasing it into the wind or dropping it into the ocean, freeing yourself from its burden.
  5. Use a Forgiveness Affirmation:
    Repeat phrases like:
    • “I release this hurt to create space for healing.”
    • “I choose peace over resentment.”
  6. Focus on Gratitude:
    Each day, write down one thing you’re grateful for about your life now. Gratitude helps shift focus from past pain to present blessings.
  7. Take One Peaceful Action:
    Reach out to someone you trust, spend time in nature, or engage in a calming activity. This reminds you of the joy available beyond the resentment.

By shifting to forgiveness, you reclaim your power, open your heart to healing, and create a reality filled with peace and growth.

Shift Need to Wholeness

Need energy radiates desperation and lack, signaling to the universe that you feel incomplete. This creates a repelling force, pushing away the people, relationships, and opportunities you desire most. The more you cling, the further they drift away.

What Need Attracts:

  • Unfulfilling relationships as desperation overrides healthy boundaries.
  • Missed opportunities as fear of scarcity clouds your decision-making.
  • A constant sense of frustration, as nothing seems to be enough.
  • Situations that mirror feelings of emptiness and longing.

Need reinforces the belief that you are not enough, keeping you stuck in a cycle of scarcity and disappointment.

Shift to Wholeness
Wholeness radiates contentment and self-sufficiency, signaling that you are complete as you are. This energy naturally attracts abundance, connection, and fulfillment without the need to chase or cling.

What Wholeness Attracts:

  • Genuine relationships where you are valued for your true self.
  • Opportunities that align with your desires, appearing effortlessly.
  • A sense of ease and flow in your life, where things naturally fall into place.
  • Inner peace and confidence, making you magnetic to success and joy.

How to Shift from Need to Wholeness

  1. Recognize Your Completeness:
    Write down three things about yourself that you love and appreciate. Focus on your strengths, achievements, or values that make you unique.
  2. Practice Gratitude:
    List five things you already have in your life that bring you joy or fulfillment. Gratitude shifts your focus from lack to abundance.
  3. Visualize Your Fulfilled Self:
    Close your eyes and imagine yourself as someone who already has everything they need. See yourself calm, happy, and confident, radiating abundance and peace.
  4. Affirm Your Wholeness:
    Use empowering affirmations like:
    • “I am complete and whole just as I am.”
    • “Everything I need flows to me with ease.”
  5. Detach from Outcomes:
    Let go of the need to control how or when something happens. Trust that what is meant for you will find its way at the right time.
  6. Give to Others:
    Practice generosity, whether through kind words, helping someone, or sharing what you have. Giving from a place of wholeness reinforces your sense of abundance.
  7. Take Care of Yourself:
    Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your body, mind, and soul. When you care for yourself, you affirm your worth and wholeness.

By shifting to wholeness, you align with the energy of abundance, allowing the right people, opportunities, and experiences to flow into your life effortlessly.

Shift Shame to Self-Love

Shame energy makes you feel unworthy and inadequate, as though past mistakes define you. It weighs you down, creating fear of judgment and failure that stops you from taking risks or moving forward. Shame is a cycle that keeps you stuck in regret, afraid to embrace your potential.

What Shame Attracts:

  • Opportunities slipping away due to fear of being judged.
  • Isolation and strained relationships as self-doubt creates walls.
  • A sense of being stuck, as shame fuels hesitation and inaction.
  • Negative self-talk that reinforces feelings of inadequacy.

Shame magnifies mistakes and blinds you to your inherent worth, keeping you trapped in self-doubt.

Shift to Self-Love
Self-love radiates acceptance and compassion, allowing you to embrace your flaws as part of your growth. It replaces fear with confidence, enabling you to take action and see yourself as worthy and capable.

What Self-Love Attracts:

  • Opportunities that align with your strengths and values.
  • Supportive relationships built on mutual respect and authenticity.
  • A growing sense of empowerment, as self-acceptance fuels bold actions.
  • Inner peace and resilience, helping you navigate challenges with grace.

How to Shift from Shame to Self-Love

  1. Acknowledge Your Humanity:
    Write down one mistake you’ve been holding onto and the lesson it taught you. Remind yourself that mistakes are part of growth and don’t define your worth.
  2. Practice Daily Affirmations:
    Choose affirmations that nurture self-acceptance, such as:
    • “I am worthy of love and forgiveness.”
    • “My mistakes do not define me; they help me grow.”
      Say these affirmations every morning to rewire your self-perception.
  3. Write a Forgiveness Letter:
    Write a letter to yourself, forgiving past mistakes. Acknowledge the lessons you’ve learned and affirm your commitment to self-compassion moving forward.
  4. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Reflect on three things you’ve done well today, no matter how small. Acknowledge your efforts and progress to build confidence in your abilities.
  5. Create a Self-Care Ritual:
    Dedicate time each day to something that nourishes you, whether it’s meditation, journaling, or a walk in nature. Self-care reinforces your worth and value.
  6. Visualize Your Empowered Self:
    Close your eyes and imagine yourself as someone who fully loves and accepts themselves. Picture how you’d walk, talk, and carry yourself. Step into that vision.
  7. Connect with Loved Ones:
    Share your feelings with a trusted friend or family member. Letting others support and affirm you strengthens your ability to see your own value.

By shifting to self-love, you free yourself from the weight of shame, empowering you to embrace your worth and attract a life filled with acceptance, opportunity, and joy.


Shift Guilt to Accountability

Guilt energy radiates regret and self-reproach, keeping you focused on the past and feeling weighed down by what you perceive as mistakes. It traps you in a cycle of self-blame, making it hard to forgive yourself or move forward.

What Guilt Attracts:

  • Repetitive thoughts of “I should have done this differently.”
  • Hesitation to take new actions out of fear of making more mistakes.
  • Strained relationships due to unspoken shame or unresolved issues.
  • Missed opportunities for growth as you dwell on past regrets.

Guilt holds you hostage to your past, preventing you from stepping into your potential.

Shift to Accountability
Accountability radiates self-compassion and proactive responsibility. It allows you to own your choices, forgive yourself, and take meaningful actions to grow and move forward.

What Accountability Attracts:

  • Clear opportunities for growth as you focus on what you can control.
  • Stronger relationships built on honesty and trust.
  • A renewed sense of empowerment and confidence in your ability to change.
  • Progress and fulfillment as you take aligned actions to correct course.

How to Shift from Guilt to Accountability

  1. Acknowledge and Forgive:
    Write down the specific actions or decisions causing you guilt. Acknowledge them without judgment, and remind yourself that mistakes are a natural part of learning.
  2. Identify One Actionable Step:
    Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, ask yourself: What can I do right now to make this better? Even small steps, like apologizing or creating a plan, can shift your energy.
  3. Practice Compassionate Affirmations:
    Repeat affirmations that emphasize growth and forgiveness, such as:
    • “I am learning and growing every day.”
    • “I release the past and take positive steps forward.”
      Let these affirmations reframe guilt as an opportunity to grow.
  4. Set Clear Intentions:
    Identify a value or principle you want to embody moving forward. For example, if guilt stems from not being dependable, set an intention to show up consistently.
  5. Repair, if Possible:
    If your guilt involves another person, consider taking steps to make amends. A genuine apology or corrective action can bring closure and rebuild trust.
  6. Reflect on Growth:
    At the end of the day, list one way you’ve taken responsibility for your actions and moved closer to your values. Celebrate these small wins to reinforce your progress.
  7. Visualize Freedom from Guilt:
    Close your eyes and imagine yourself feeling free of guilt. See yourself as someone who owns their choices, learns from them, and moves forward with strength and clarity.

By shifting to accountability, you transform guilt into a powerful force for growth, paving the way for self-compassion, progress, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Shift Fear to Courage

Fear energy radiates insecurity, doubt, and instability, keeping you frozen in hesitation and worry. It magnifies the potential for negative outcomes and traps you in a loop of “what ifs,” making progress feel impossible.

What Fear Attracts:

  • Missed opportunities as you hesitate to take action.
  • Overwhelming stress and tension in both body and mind.
  • Self-doubt that clouds your decision-making and confidence.
  • Unnecessary delays caused by avoidance of potential failure.

Fear focuses your energy on avoiding risk, but in doing so, it blocks your ability to grow, trust, and move forward.

Shift to Courage
Courage radiates determination and inner strength. It’s not the absence of fear but the decision to move forward in spite of it. Courage expands your ability to trust yourself and take steps toward your desires.

What Courage Attracts:

  • New opportunities that arise from bold and decisive action.
  • A sense of empowerment and pride as you face challenges head-on.
  • Increased confidence as you prove to yourself that you can handle uncertainty.
  • Growth and transformation through experiences you once feared.

How to Shift from Fear to Courage

  1. Name the Fear:
    Write down what you’re afraid of and ask, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Often, naming your fear reduces its power over you.
  2. Break It Down:
    Identify one small step you can take toward what you fear. Fear thrives on the unknown, so breaking a challenge into manageable actions creates momentum.
  3. Focus on Past Wins:
    Reflect on moments when you overcame fear in the past. Let those experiences remind you of your resilience and capability.
  4. Practice Courageous Affirmations:
    Use statements that affirm your bravery, such as:
    • “I am capable of facing challenges.”
    • “Every step I take brings me closer to my goals.”
      Say them daily to build confidence in your ability to act.
  5. Visualize Success:
    Close your eyes and picture yourself succeeding at what you’re afraid of. See the positive outcome and feel the pride of having moved through fear.
  6. Take Action Anyway:
    Acknowledge your fear, but act despite it. Even small actions, like making a phone call or sending an email, can create momentum and shift your energy.
  7. Celebrate Your Bravery:
    At the end of the day, write down one moment where you showed courage, no matter how small. Recognize and honor your effort to move forward.

By shifting to courage, you unlock the strength to face fear, take bold actions, and attract a reality built on trust, growth, and empowerment.

Shift Disconnection to Love

Disconnection energy radiates isolation and emotional detachment, keeping you separate from meaningful relationships and experiences. It creates walls that block trust, understanding, and intimacy, leaving you feeling alone even in a crowd.

What Disconnection Attracts:

  • Loneliness and a sense of being misunderstood.
  • Miscommunication and strained relationships.
  • Difficulty forming or maintaining meaningful connections.
  • A lack of emotional support and fulfillment in personal or professional life.

Disconnection focuses on barriers, keeping you closed off from the joy of connection and mutual understanding.

Shift to Love
Love radiates connection, openness, and acceptance. When you embody love, you dissolve barriers, foster understanding, and attract the deep, supportive relationships that bring joy and fulfillment.

What Love Attracts:

  • Strong, authentic relationships built on trust and understanding.
  • Unwavering support from people who genuinely care about you.
  • Opportunities to collaborate and grow through meaningful connections.
  • A deep sense of belonging and fulfillment in every area of life.

How to Shift from Disconnection to Love

  1. Acknowledge Your Barriers:
    Reflect on what’s keeping you disconnected—fear of vulnerability, past hurt, or judgment. Naming these barriers helps you take the first step toward breaking them down.
  2. Practice Gratitude for Connection:
    Think about the people in your life who have supported or cared for you, even in small ways. Write down what you appreciate about them to focus on the love that already exists.
  3. Open the Door to Vulnerability:
    Share a small piece of your thoughts or feelings with someone you trust. Vulnerability invites connection and shows others that you’re open to meaningful interactions.
  4. Engage in Acts of Love:
    Express love freely through thoughtful gestures or kind words. Whether it’s sending a heartfelt message or helping someone in need, these acts shift your energy toward connection.
  5. Use Love-Focused Affirmations:
    Repeat phrases that help you align with love, such as:
    • “I am open to giving and receiving love.”
    • “My heart is full of connection and joy.”
  6. Visualize Connection:
    Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by people who uplift and support you. Feel the warmth of these relationships as if they are already in your life.
  7. Be Present in Interactions:
    Focus fully on the person in front of you. Listen actively, show genuine interest, and let your presence convey care and love.
  8. Celebrate Moments of Connection:
    At the end of the day, reflect on moments where you felt connected, no matter how small. These reflections reinforce the energy of love.

By shifting to love, you open your heart, invite connection, and align with the relationships and experiences that bring lasting fulfillment.

Wrapping Up the Emotional Shifts

Emotions are powerful drivers of the energy we radiate and the lives we create. By understanding the impact of each negative emotion and learning how to shift to its opposite, you hold the key to transforming your reality. Whether it’s moving from fear to courage, sadness to joy, or disconnection to love, these shifts allow you to align with the best version of yourself.

However, for some, emotional shifts may feel out of reach. If you find yourself stuck in an emotional state that feels unshakable, know that it’s okay to seek additional support. Transformation is a journey, and sometimes the tools we need go beyond mindset shifts and daily practices.

When Negative Emotions Feel Unshakable 

For some, changing emotions isn’t as simple as shifting your mindset or focusing on positive energy. While we aim to give you tools to rewire your mind in a natural and sustainable way, there are times when trauma, depression, or deep sadness can cause negative emotions to feel stuck for long periods.

In these cases, the journey to healing may require additional support. Current solutions, like anti-depression pills, often fall short. They have low success rates and, in some cases, can even lead to darker outcomes, including suicidal thoughts.

We’ve seen firsthand how challenging these situations can be, but we’ve also discovered a handful of problem-solving approaches that can help transform specific situations. Here are some of the methods we’ve seen work, organized by the types of challenges people face.

Suicidal Thoughts and Chronic Depression 

For those battling suicidal thoughts, it takes more than love to pull someone out of the darkness. This was something Kaitlin (my partner) and I witnessed firsthand with her brother Sean, who struggled with PTSD and ultimately lost his battle, despite being surrounded by a loving family.

We also saw this in Kaitlin’s mother, Verna, who fell into deep depression after Sean’s passing. Her condition became so severe that doctors warned us to keep her away from pills or sharp objects because the risk of suicide was so high.

To help Verna, we turned to a program from Tony Robbins and Chloe Madanes at the Robbins-Madanes Institute called the Core 100. This program is a series of one-on-one interventions taken from Tony Robbins’ legendary Date with Destiny events.

At these events, with audiences of over 5,000 people, Tony often asks if there’s anyone feeling suicidal or ready to take their own life. Typically, a handful of people will raise their hands. Tony selects one of them and works with them live, one-on-one, to transform their mindset and emotions. These interventions are as much for the person in pain as they are for the audience. By watching Tony break through to the root of someone’s struggles, the entire room learns profound lessons about healing and transformation.

The Core 100 Program is a collection of these powerful sessions, where you can watch people transform from being suicidal to rediscovering hope, purpose, and a reason to live. What makes this program even more impactful is that each intervention is broken down by Tony’s partner, legendary family therapist Chloe Madanes, who explains the psychological strategies Tony uses in real-time. This allows viewers to understand and apply these techniques in their own lives or for their loved ones.

Every night, Kaitlin, Verna, and I gathered in our basement to watch these interventions. We watched probably 12-15 different sessions, witnessing people who were at their lowest find breakthroughs that brought them back to life. As we absorbed these lessons, Verna began to identify the core wounds that opened up after losing her son that had been eating her from the inside out—wounds that no book, psychiatrist, or meditation practice had been able to heal. After 2 years of this, life had become impossible to live. 

Yet after watching how Tony rewired these individuals’ minds and seeing Chloe break it down step-by-step, Verna was able to rewire her mind. She began to heal the deep-rooted pain that had made it impossible for her to live a fulfilling life.

I’m so excited to share that Verna has completely transformed through this process. This program gave her the tools and understanding to pull herself out of the darkness, and it has been a life-changing experience for all of us.

Inner Childhood Wounding

Sometimes, the emotions we’re stuck in stem from unresolved wounds from our inner child—early traumas or unmet needs that continue to radiate a deep and subtle pain and influence our emotional patterns. These wounds often create triggers and automatic responses that keep us trapped until they’re recognized and healed.

Tools like personalized hypnotherapy can help you access your subconscious mind, connect with your inner child, and rewire those old patterns to bring calm and healing. For deeper childhood wounds, transformational programs like the Hoffman Institute in San Francisco can be life-changing. I found it invaluable for healing the  neglect I experienced as a child, which left me feeling like no amount of love could ever fill me. Working through these wounds allowed me to rewire those patterns and finally feel whole. I highly recommend exploring these tools if you’re ready to break free from the emotional traps of the past.

Severe PTSD

For more severe cases, like PTSD, tools like ibogaine therapy have shown amazing results. A study by Stanford Medicine found that ibogaine, when combined with magnesium to protect the heart, safely and effectively reduces PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and improves functioning in veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Ibogaine is believed to promote neuroplasticity, enhancing the brain's ability to form new neural connections, which aids in emotional healing. These therapies help individuals confront and heal deep emotional scars, rewire their brains, and reconnect with their sense of self.  The growing popularity of these treatments has been beautifully captured in documentaries like In Waves and War, offering a path to freedom for those trapped by trauma.

Chronic Depression

Chronic depression often leaves individuals entrenched in prolonged feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and numbness, making it challenging to recall or experience joy. This emotional stagnation is a lot like a neglected bicycle, left unused for years, now resistant to movement. In such cases, innovative treatments like ketamine-assisted therapy have emerged as promising interventions. Ketamine has been shown to rapidly alleviate depressive symptoms, particularly in treatment-resistant cases, by promoting neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to form new neural connections.

A study led by Massachusetts General Brigham investigators found that 55% of patients receiving ketamine treatment experienced sustained improvement in depressive symptoms without major side effects.

When combined with intentional practices such as prayer, intention setting, and gratitude, along with positive magical and high-vibrational music, ketamine therapy can help rewire the brain, enabling it to naturally produce the chemicals associated with joy and gratitude. This integrative approach fosters a new baseline for emotional and mental well-being, offering hope to those who have struggled to feel positive emotions for extended periods.

A change in emotion is a change in destiny. 

The most important thing you can do once you figure out exactly what you’re choosing to call into your life is to ask yourself: When I imagine my future self, who has achieved every single goal I’ve ever had, what is the core emotion I’m living from?

This is the key—having absolute clarity on what you’re calling in and then starting to radiate those emotions right now.

When you align your energy with the feelings of your future self—whether it’s freedom, excitement, peace, or love—you begin to attract those experiences into your life. Your emotions are the frequency you’re broadcasting, and that frequency determines what you’ll receive. So, get clear on the goal, tune into the emotions, and start living in alignment with your future self today.

When you mix positive emotions with specific clarity in your thoughts and imagination, you create a specific song that radiates out into the universe. That song is like a signal—it’s detailed, it’s focused, and it’s carrying the energy of what you’re trying to attract.

This song starts to pull that exact situation back into your life. It’s not random—it’s precise, because the emotions you’re feeling and the visions you’re imagining are shaping that energy into something specific. That’s the power of combining how you feel in your soul with the clarity of what you’re imagining. The universe hears it and starts sending it back to you.

What Society Doesn’t Understand 

Here’s the problem with 99% of society: most people don’t realize that energy attracts energy, and that their emotions are energy in motion. The emotions you radiate at your core are the very force creating your reality. What you hold in your imagination, combined with the feelings you embody, is what shapes your life. 

Unfortunately, most people are stuck in negative emotional patterns like needy energy, lack energy, fear, sadness, frustration, jealousy, and doubt. These emotions perpetuate the same outcomes because they’re broadcasting scarcity, insecurity, and resistance out into the world.

If you keep writing down, “I want _____”, “I will do ______”. You will keep manifesting a life where you still want that thing, or will do that thing. None of which are lives where you have it!

Society has programmed us to believe that we’ll feel happy and fulfilled after we achieve certain things—after the promotion, the relationship, or the financial breakthrough. But manifesting, and the power of God within us, teaches the opposite: you must feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled first. The emotions you radiate now determine what you’ll attract. If you’re radiating desperation or fear, you’ll keep attracting situations that match those vibrations.

This is why Jesus said in Matthew 25:29: “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” Most people approach their goals from a perspective of lack—seeing what they want as something far off in the future, not something they already possess. This foundational feeling of lack becomes a “sponsoring thought”. A truth you believe at the root of your core that vibrates through your being. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you become always blocked from reaching your goal. Like you’re a magnet faced the wrong way: the closer you get, the more it pushes away.

To break free, you must align your emotions with the energy of your dreams. Ask yourself:
When I imagine my future self, who has achieved every single goal I’ve ever had, what is the core emotion I’m living from?

That’s the emotion God is calling you to practice daily. Peace, freedom, joy, gratitude, excitement, and anticipation—these are the energies that unlock the life you’re meant to live. When you radiate these emotions consistently, they become your dominant vibration, and the universe responds by delivering what aligns with that frequency. 

Faith is feeling. If you truly believed your wish was fulfilled, you’d feel incredible—whole, complete, and at peace. That feeling is proof to God that you believe. When you learn to radiate the amazing energy of having your wish fulfilled, you activate the God of Creation within you. The universe begins to shift, breakthroughs appear, and intuitive guidance leads you toward the life you desire. Manifesting isn’t about getting to happiness after achieving your goals—it’s about becoming happiness now, so everything you desire flows naturally to you

You’ve probably heard the quote, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). Most people misunderstand it because they see God as something external to beg for help. But asking from a place of lack only radiates need, and the universe reflects that back to you, keeping you in a state of want.

True asking is about tuning into your soul’s highest calling, aligning with the most amazing life God has prepared for you. Seeking is discovering the core emotion your future self radiates—feeling the wish fulfilled and embodying that energy now. Knocking is persistently returning to this state with unwavering faith until your vision becomes reality. This quote isn’t about pleading with God; it’s about activating the divine power within you to create the life you desire.

Neville went on to explain the story of Moses from the Bible. He was a man called by God to free his enslaved people from Egypt and take them to the promised land. After some hesitation, he accepted his calling, went to Egypt, and freed his people from the Pharaoh’s grip.

He led them to the Red Sea, only for the Pharaoh to come chasing after them with his army. As Moses and his people reached the water’s edge, they were terrified, convinced they were about to be slaughtered, wishing they had stayed behind as slaves.

But God told Moses to lift his staff, and as he did, the impossible happened—the waters parted, and they walked through the Red Sea to the promised land. The moment they passed, the sea crashed down upon the Pharaoh and his army, leaving them with no way to return to their former lives of slavery.

Let me tell you a little secret: that story isn’t about Moses—it’s about you.

It’s yet another allegory for the journey of your soul. Ancient wisdom cloaked underneath the frame of history. Let me explain.

If you’ve ever had a big goal or dream before you’ve probably felt that stirring inside.

A heartbeat, a voice in your head calling you to find your own promised land. To free yourself from the matrix (the Pharaoh), to escape the system that has enslaved you.

Free yourself from the limited mindset, limited beliefs, and limited lifestyle that’s been programmed onto you by your society, your institutions, your churches, your parents, and even your friends.

And just like Moses, you’ll be given a choice: find your promised land or stay enslaved where you are. If you choose to accept, your journey begins. You will reclaim your power to control your reality.

You will break free from the system that held you down, and move toward your heart’s desire. As you do, those who enslaved you will come after you. Rearing their ugly head to try and stop you. Yet you will continue to progress.

Until you come face-to-face with the Red Sea. The impossible obstacle. The impenetrable wall. All your strategies will fall short and you will be trapped. Unsure of how to move forward. With no idea what to do. Fear will come for you. Everything that once held you back will close in like an army seeking to reclaim their enslavement over you.

But having faith means... you’re fine. Literally.

Faith means you’re fine.

And it’s all good. And something amazing is about to happen. And just like Moses, you will stand at the edge of your Red Sea. Raising your staff by raising your vibration up your spine.

Imagining your life, already living your heart’s desire. Radiating the feeling of your wish fulfilled with unwavering faith. Day after day you hold the heavenly state of feeling like God has already given you what you desire.

And just like the sea parted for Moses, the impossible door will open for you. Miracles will happen. A door you did not know existed will open and the road to the promised land will be revealed. Cementing your belief in your ability to create your reality. And once you’ve crossed through, the waves of change will crash down behind you. Swallowing the limiting beliefs and old systems that once held you captive. You will be fully transformed.

There will be no going back to who you used to be. That is the meaning of the story of Moses.

Now, if you want to get results that 99% of the world isn’t able to get, it starts by doing something in your mind that 99% of the world isn’t able to do.

Which is, believing you have something, and being so grateful that you actually have it, before your 3D reality says that you have it. This is what 99% of people can’t do and don’t understand.

Most people are enslaved to the 3D reality and refuse to let themselves believe God is calling them for something greater.

Refusing to believe that God has a way to make every one of their dreams come true.

And the few people who even make it to their own “Red Sea” of life, give up because all their strategies fail. They think “it's impossible,” “It’s over” or “I don't know how.” They become overloaded and are captured by the army of fear. Doubts. Limiting beliefs. Enslaving them back into the system. Don’t let that be know! 

So, to remind you where I am—I'm in Stockholm, Sweden, in a hotel room, completely alone. My friends from LA had already flown back, leaving me stranded in the worst situation I’d ever faced. I had no job, no team, no product, no business. I had just burned $6 million into to $300,000, and after reading about Moses and the Red Sea and doing this intense study, it hit me:

“This is it.” Here I am in my own “Red Sea” right now! Trapped with no direction. Trapped with no way out. Without a single strategy that could work to get me out of this situation. 

Manifestation is my only way out! 

I go back to my hotel room and think, What’s the one thing that I can manifest that would save me from this situation? After a while, I get the answer: A business partner who’s also a mentor. So, I think, Okay, perfect. What is the core emotion I would feel if I already had a world-class business partner who was also a mentor? And I feel I would be excited, I would feel grateful, I would feel just happy and stoked out of my mind—it would be amazing.

I realized that in order for me to manifest my way out of the situation and attract a business partner who’s also a mentor, I must begin to radiate the feeling of being excited now. I must feel the feeling of being so grateful now, even though my life was completely on fire. 

It was like a message from God was pinging me in the head, saying I must begin to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled now. If I really believed that God had saved me from this situation, I would be so excited and grateful. My faith—and my feelings—are the proof that I believe it’s possible.

So, I sat down and started writing all the things I’m grateful for, all the things I’m excited about, and all the things I’m looking forward to. Working to rewire my energy, to start feeling like something amazing is about to happen again—this high anticipation energy, this excitement energy where a rush of fast-moving good luck could suddenly pour into my life.

Yet as I began to write, I found myself struggling to really feel it. 

I’d write I’m so excited and grateful now that I have a business partner who’s a mentor, my brain kept saying, 

Nah that’s BS. What are you talking about? You don’t have a mentor. You’re going broke in a hotel room. 

Yet I kept battling back saying Yes, I do. I have a business partner, God saved me! A miracle has happened and I’m free!  

but my brain fired back with, Nope, you’re faking it until you make it.

I was stuck. I couldn’t figure out how to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled. How to feel excited. How to feel happy. How to feel grateful. That’s when I went back to Neville, and I discovered the final boss of my problems—the root cause of it all.

The root cause is that, you only feel what you believe to be true at the roots of your mind. And at the root of my mind, I believed I was stuck in a hotel in Stockholm, with my life slowly burning to the ground. I was trying to “fake it till I make it” to get out of there, and that’s where I was being blocked.

Neville helped me discover how to overcome this challenge which led me down the following questioning by talking to myself in my mind. 

Asking myself. “What’s the most amazing goal my future self accomplished within the next 3 months?” 

Well, I have a business partner who’s also a mentor” - I thought to myself 

~ “Peter, do you believe that God has an amazing future for you? A future where you have an amazing business partner who is also a mentor?”

And I said, “Yes. I don’t think God is planning on leaving me stranded forever. I believe God loves me, has a great plan for my life, and knows I’ve been a warrior for Him. So yes, I believe I’ll eventually have an amazing business partner who’s also a mentor. I just don’t feel like I have one right now.”

~ “Perfect. So, in the future, you have a business partner who’s also a mentor, correct?”

I said, “Yes.”

“And that’s you in the future, right?”

I paused and said, “Yeah.”

I smiled… “So, I guess it’s true. You DO have a business partner who’s also a mentor!!”

And that’s when it hit me. Of course! There is a future version of me that already has this business partner. That future version of me is still me. Which means, in the grand scheme of time and consciousness, I already have a business partner who’s a mentor.

I could feel the shift. I started to feel excited, grateful, and stoked out of my mind. I began saying with full conviction:

Suddenly, from this new perspective, I began to describe my future self using I AM affirmations.

  • “I am the best opportunity on the planet.”
  • “I’m making millions of dollars every single month.”
  • “My life is taking off like a rocket.”
  • “I have the most amazing, world-class opportunity.”
  • “Thank you, God, for giving me this incredible gift in my life.”
  • “Thank you, God, for guiding me on the most amazing adventure of my life. I’m so excited and grateful. I love you, God.”

And then something incredible happened. I started to feel it. My body vibrated with this positive energy of excitement, anticipation, and joy, as if I had just manifested the greatest opportunity of my life. There was TRUTH to all these affirmations! 

For the first time, my amazing affirmations were fueled by truth! 

For the next two weeks, I practiced this emotion every single day. Not every day was perfect—there were moments when my faith wavered, when I sat alone in my hotel room, struggling to believe it was possible. On those days, I prayed, “God, please forgive me. Cancel the energy I’ve been putting out. Thank you for canceling it and forgiving me.” 

But the next day, I would get back on track, tuning back into that feeling of excitement and gratitude—the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Day by day, I strengthened that vibration, and I could feel my life starting to shift.

Now I have a very specific skill set, and for me to do my job phenomenally well, I need certain pieces in place. 

  • a world-class list of products to sell, paired with world-class authority figures with the credibility to be an amazing spokesperson. 
  • a world-class copywriter who can work with me to turn a story into a 30-minute infomercial script 
  • a top-tier video production and editing team that can shoot that and turn it into an amazing video, 
  • a killer media-buying team with a big credit card and lots of money I can spend on ads. 

When all of these pieces come together, I can work miracles and direct the operation to be wildly successful just like I did with my skincare brand. It’s not an easy thing to manifest. 

Yet two weeks later, I got invited on a boat trip through Croatia, and on that boat, I ran into a man named Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of We hit it off, become friends, and over the next few days, we’re just connecting and hanging out. At one point, I asked him how Mindvalley was doing, and he told me they’ve been struggling a little bit since a huge Apple update broke their tracking system. Their webinars—once dominant—weren’t working as well as before. Even though they’d been absolute beasts in advertising in the past, their strategies weren’t converting like they used to.

I thought to myself, That’s interesting—I specialize in video sales letters, and I think they blow webinars out of the water all day long. I told him, “Have you thought about video sales letters?,” and he said, “Oh, yeah we’d love to explore getting into those.” 

“OH MY GOD” I’m thinking to myself. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”

But the event was still going on, so we didn’t get into it deeply and just kept enjoying the trip, building this great friendship.

At the end of the trip, I asked him, “Hey, where do you live? I’m sick of sleeping in hotels.” He said, “I live in Estonia.” I laughed and said, “Never heard of it, but I’m going to come live at your house!” To my surprise, he said, “Sure!” So next thing I know, Vishen and I are flying back to Tallinn, Estonia and I start crashing in his spare bedroom. 

Once I was there, I decided to see if I could help him with his advertising. I pulled up all the ads Mindvalley was running, and suddenly, it hit me. My mind was blown to smithereens. They had 50–60 of the best authors in the world, producing life-changing personal growth products, paired with world-class video production, killer media buyers, copywriters, and editors—all under one roof.

This was heaven on Earth for someone like me.

I walked up to Vishen and asked, “What’s your Wi-Fi password?” He smirked and said, “10 billion dollars.” I thought to myself… 

What the?! 10 billion dollars? My Wi-Fi password is $170 million. How much equity would I need in this company to make $170 million if it’s worth $10 billion? I quickly realized it would only take 1.7% equity.

So I turned to Vishen and said, “I have an idea. How about I build out a video sales letter division within Mindvalley? If I hit certain targets, I unlock equity points, and you can pay me a percentage of the sales from the infomercials I create.”

He said, “Sure.”

Bing, bada boom—I was back in business, baby.

The miracle had landed. I had just become an equity partner and the VSL Director for The business partner, the mentor I had been manifesting, was suddenly in front of me. All the energy I had been radiating—excitement, belief, faith, and trust—came rushing back to me in the exact form I had been praying for.

I moved into the apartment under Vishen’s house, and the grind began. For six months straight, I was squeezing every last ounce of juice out of my brain—day after day, week after week, month after month —pushing myself to my limits over and over again to meet the hardcore, fast-paced deadlines I put on myself. The pressure was relentless. Some weeks, everything I created would fall flat on its face. Campaigns would crash, ads would burn, and I’d sit there staring at the screen, while every shot I took had just failed. 

But I couldn’t stop. I wouldn’t stop. I’d remind myself: God didn’t bring us together just to beat us around the bush. Even when everything seemed to fall apart, I’d hold onto the belief that the way we met was built on solid spiritual ground. God crossed our paths for a real reason. Us coming together is not random; it is divine. And if it was built on solid ground, then there must be a way to make it work.

So I pushed forward, day after day, with unwavering belief that the breakthrough was coming. That something amazing is about to happen. Each failure became a lesson, each setback a stepping stone. Every failure was a test to my faith. God really wanted to know how much I would believe. 

And then… it came. After 6 months of white-knuckling grinding, one of the ads we made for The Silva Ultramind Method became the #1 ad in the world on YouTube. The campaigns simply exploded, the revenues exploded, and the royalties began flowing in. I unlocked equity in the company, built a huge automated income from the royalties off the infomercial I created, and eventually sold my shares back to Mindvalley. Systematizing and automating the team so it could work without me so I could go back to traveling all over the world. 

And that’s when it hit me: the reason God took the money out of my life was to make me fight for this. The challenge of making Mindvalley explode at the level needed to sustain a 300+ person company was so immense that if I had millions of dollars in the bank, I would have given up.

God stripped me of my money, burned my boats, and put my back against the wall so I would be forced to become the Warrior, forced to win. Forcing me to push myself to the limit and prove to myself what I’m capable of. Pressure makes diamonds. 

More than anything, God gave me belief. Belief in myself. Belief in Him. I had prayed to be a Warrior for God, to execute at the highest level for Him, and God answered my prayers by giving me the weights to lift. Those who pray for strength are given challenges to overcome, and those who pray for faith are given opportunities to demonstrate it.

Now for the rest of my life, I know there is no situation I can't manifest my way out of. I know the thoughts I think and the emotions I radiate are attracting everything into my life. More importantly, I now have a story—a story I can share with millions of people around the world to inspire them to create their own breakthroughs.

And listen, I am no different than you. If I can do it, so can you. Every single dream in your life is possible. God has created ways and mechanisms for you to make that dream come true.

Now, let’s dive into how we structured this routine.