Something Amazing Story by Peter Kell


I’ve got a discovery for you today that’s worth its weight in gold.

You know how some people seem to be blessed by luck—everything just works out for them? And then there are others who aren’t so lucky, like life is throwing them one disaster after another, as if they’ve been cursed by some voodoo witch doctor?

Well, this discovery does the exact opposite. When you follow this simple system, everything begins to change. It’s like a manifestation cheat code, unearthed straight from the center of the universe.

This secret activates a blessing of luck and good fortune as long as you believe. It opens the door to a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Opportunities start falling into your lap. Miracles happen. Doors you thought were impossible to open suddenly swing wide. Life just seems to fall into place, as if it’s effortlessly building a bridge to carry you step by step toward your goals.

It’s so powerful that I’ve seen random strangers burst into tears when they hear these words. Some want to take a photo with me. Others scream “WHOO HOOOO” at the top of their lungs. I’ve seen it all.

I even tattooed these words on my forearm so I’d never forget them. Because they work like crazy.

Let me tell you the story of how I discovered these magic words.

It was June of 2019, and I was sitting on the balcony of my apartment in Miami. I was $200,000 in debt, banging my head against the wall, feeling like my life was falling apart.

For seven straight months, my business had been burning money every single day, and my mindset was in the gutter.

My team and I had been advertising e-commerce products on Facebook as affiliates, but nothing we tried was working anymore.

We were beaten down, defeated, and completely demoralized. And to make matters worse, I had turned into a lazy slob, completely neglecting my responsibilities.

The worst part? I felt like I had let my team down. These were people who believed in me. I had been wildly successful before—becoming a millionaire by 27—and they had signed up to follow me to the promised land.

But now, nothing was working. Everything in my life felt like it was slipping through my fingers. And I had no idea how to reignite the burning ambition that used to drive me forward.

I grabbed my iPad, walked out onto the balcony on the 17th floor, and sat down in my chair, overlooking the colorful skyline of downtown Brickell in Miami.

I started venting in my journal:
"Man, I used to be so on top of it. I used to be so driven. But I just can't get it back. What happened to me?"

Desperate for clarity, I opened up the daily profit-and-revenue graph I’d been tracking for years. This graph gave me the big picture of what was going on.

Here’s some backstory: During my fourth year as an entrepreneur, I had a mentor who shared one piece of advice that stuck with me:
"If you want to make more money, just track how much you make every day."

So for 1,347 days straight, I tracked exactly how much money I made. Every. Single. Day.I called the spreadsheet Meteoric Growth because that was the life I was committed to manifesting.

As I stared at the graph, I noticed something interesting. This wasn’t the first time I’d been on a losing streak like this.

In fact, I’d been through three similar streaks before. I zoomed in and started noticing a pattern:

  • Business would plateau for months.

  • Then, BOOM—a campaign would explode.

  • Then it would fizzle out.

  • I’d hit another flat streak, distracted by partying and not working much.

  • And then, out of nowhere, we’d hit another explosion.

It was a cycle, and I had never realized it until now. Let me show you what I mean…

Day 1–466: The First Breakthrough

In the beginning, the graph was flat. I was super motivated, working hard, and had a healthy mindset, but progress was slow. Then, after some small wins, my business began to show a heartbeat—it was like it was starting to come alive.

And then, BOOM! We hit our first major breakthrough, and for 2–3 months, it felt like everything was on fire in the best way possible. But just as quickly as it came, the campaign died. I switched to "vacation mode," and a lazy, do-nothing attitude crept in.

Day 466–984: The Second Big Streak. Things went flat again for a few months. Life was hard. I tried everything, and it all seemed to fail. I was banging my head against the wall, wondering if I’d ever get back on track.

Then, somehow, the heartbeat returned. We cracked a new campaign, and suddenly we were crushing it again—this time for 3–4 months.

I experienced dozens of $10k profit days and even hit my first two $50k revenue days. It was incredible. But then I got distracted by crypto, abandoned affiliate marketing, and didn’t work for seven months. The gap at the end of this streak shows the time I spent diving headfirst into the crypto world.

Day 984–1347: The Third Explosion

After making and losing my first million in crypto, I found my way back to affiliate marketing, this time focusing on creating video sales letters. For months, nothing seemed to happen. It felt like I was stuck in a rut all over again.

And then, out of nowhere, the third explosion hit.

I had my first $100k/day, followed by a $200k revenue day with $60k in profit—my biggest days online ever up to that point.

As I looked at the dips and spikes in my graph, I couldn’t help but wonder:
What the hell was I thinking about right before life took off like a rocket?

There were stretches of seven months where nothing worked. My mindset would tank. My motivation was in the toilet. Laundry piled up. My house became a disaster. I turned into a lazy slob, ignoring my responsibilities.

And then, BOOM! Life would take off again. Something amazing would happen, and epicness would explode back into my life.

So, I kept asking myself, What was I thinking about right before life exploded into success?

Then it hit me: My journals.

A long time ago, I heard Tony Robbins say, “A life worth living is a life worth recording.”

For the past five years, I had been journaling relentlessly—an average of 205 entries per year, totaling over 1,000 entries on my computer. Each one was categorized by date, ready to revisit.

Journaling was my go-to way to relax at night. I’d grab my iPad, open my writing tool, clear all distractions, and just let my fingers rip.

I didn’t overthink it. I didn’t edit. I just dumped everything in my mind straight into the computer.

So, when I started wondering what I was thinking about during those breakthrough moments, I realized: I could go back to the 2–3 weeks in my journals right before life exploded and uncover the truth.

As I dug into my journals from those specific dates, I discovered something amazing.

Even during the losing streaks, when nothing seemed to work, there was a different kind of energy in my writing.

  • I wasn’t sad.

  • I wasn’t complaining.

  • I wasn’t blaming anyone.

  • I wasn’t beating myself up.

Instead, it was the opposite. None of the struggle mattered anymore. I wasn’t giving it any attention.

All of my energy was focused on a sense of change. I was writing affirmations that built me up. Ideas that got me excited. Opportunities that felt within reach.

And beneath it all, there was one constant feeling driving everything:

Something amazing is about to happen.

I was so fired up by this realization that I immediately began extracting the thoughts, affirmations, and phrases I’d been telling myself during those times. These became my tools for reprogramming my mind.

Here’s what they were:

  • The Universe works in the most amazing ways.

  • I see it as possible now for this to come true.

  • I have an opportunity to create one of the most inspiring stories.

  • I have a “whatever it takes” mindset.

  • Think BIG, Pete! You can totally do it!

  • I am more motivated and inspired than ever before!

  • I love to write down and remember what has happened to me.

  • Deep down, I know there is something spectacular I am supposed to do with my life.

  • I must do something for the world that leaves a stamp.

  • I must become the person I was meant to be.

  • I am a badass advertiser! I mean HOLY SH*T!

  • I love being an advertiser.

  • I am someone who spends $4,000,000 per month on advertising.

  • Something amazing is about to happen.A breakthrough is happening now!!!!

  • What is the one problem that, if you solved it, would have the biggest impact on your life?

  • A breakthrough is happening!

  • This is what 10X looks like.

  • I earned this, and I am so proud of it!

  • Persistent massive action towards creating the life of your dreams!

  • Finishing strong is most important—blowing past the finish line on a rocketship!

  • I can do anything! I am becoming one of the best in the world.

  • What are the amazing benefits of achieving my goals?

  • Visualizing all the positive benefits as I achieve my goals is the most important thing I can do to program my mind!


  • I radiate positive energy and positive vibes.

  • I am creating my dream life!

  • I am lucky as hell! I am pumped up as hell right now!

  • I am literally taking over the Facebook platform.

  • This is an opportunity of a lifetime!

  • We can do so much right now.

  • I am making millions of dollars.

  • I am playing at beast levels, iconic levels, massive, massive levels.

  • I am one of the biggest media buyers who ever lived.

  • I am a huge risk taker. I go all in super hard.

  • I am easily able to see massive opportunities.

  • I love my life. I love where I am going.

  • The world’s biggest opportunities fall into my lap.

  • I am driven as fck. I am focused as fck.

  • I am right on my goals! I am on fire!

  • I am skyrocketing towards my goals.

  • Hard work is easy work. I LOVE moving toward my goals. I LOVE to do it!

  • Something amazing is about to happen!

ONLY GOOD THINGS HAPPEN! Visualizing my success makes me so happy and at peace.

  • Something amazing is about to happen!

  • I love rocketing towards my dreams and goals! I am on fire!

  • I have an amazing attitude. I am complimented on it all the time.

  • Only good things happen!

  • I am so well-prepared that I get results no matter what’s thrown at me!

  • I cannot go backward. I must grow.

  • I am forcing myself to grow bigger and bigger.

  • I am addicted to growth, high scores, and getting better and better.

  • I am becoming an industry icon.

  • I must keep growing. I must keep growing.

  • I have an amazing attitude.

  • The energy I bring creates fantastic memories for others.

  • People often use me as an example of who a happy person is.

  • I bring such joy and happiness to life.

  • I am often complimented for my positive outlook on life.


  • Sitting and visualizing—it all comes down to psycho-cybernetics and making extremely positive neuro-associations subconsciously to the objects you are working on.

  • Subconscious all day long! In the end, it’s EVERYTHING.

  • Something amazing is about to happen!


  • I am creating it! I am creating this amazing lifestyle.

  • I am making it happen! This is freaking amazing!

  • I am on fire!

  • I am obsessed with this!

  • Something amazing is about to happen!

  • I am so freaking excited about the direction I am going.

  • I can achieve anything. I can have anything I want.

  • I can create any life I imagine.

  • I am the one! I am creating it now!

  • Everything I need is coming into my life right now!

  • I am guided in every direction and decision.

  • My biggest source of pride and significance is the ability to keep a positive attitude despite what’s going on.

  • I am hitting my goals. I am working toward them every day!

  • This is the level I am meant to play on.

  • I can see myself so clearly playing at this level.

  • I can achieve everything I’ve ever wanted.


  • I am so upbeat and positive. I am so happy and inspiring to others.

  • I am so driven. I am so focused. I am so happy and go-lucky.

  • I am visualizing my success.

  • I visualize myself making the world’s greatest creatives!



  • Something Amazing Is About To Happen!

As I was studying these affirmations, one phrase stood out above the rest:


Particularly because it was written in big bold highlighted yellow letters over and over again.

“Whoa,” I thought. “It seems like the more I focus on building myself up, imagining positive things happening, and embodying the energy of excitement and anticipation—like something amazing is about to happen—that’s when life starts to take off! Is that really true?”

I looked again, and there it was. Radiating positive energy. Radiating excitement. Radiating anticipation. Radiating this overwhelming feeling that something amazing truly was about to happen.

I was building myself up like a champion—speaking highly of myself, describing my future self as if I were already that person, and talking about my goals as if they were already accomplished. I was feeling as if my wishes were fulfilled before they’d even happened.

And throughout my journal, those words—something amazing is about to happen—kept appearing, again and again.

Even though my outside world was falling apart, my inside world was vibrating with incredible energy. I was blasting positive energetic boomerangs into the universe. And when I looked at my data, 2–3 weeks after immersing myself in this mindset, something amazing did happen. BOOM! My graph would skyrocket, and life would take off again.

Shivers shot down my spine. A wave of excitement surged through me.

HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!! I thought. We’ve got something big here!

I knew the outside world was just a reflection of the inside world, but this insight made it feel even more real—like my energy was actively attracting the things I wanted into my reality. I was jumping out of my shoes to test this discovery.

“Is this really the secret?” I wondered. I didn’t know for sure, but I was determined to find out.

I took the phrase ‘Something Amazing Is About To Happen’ and made it a centerpiece of my life. I slapped it on a T-shirt, printed it on a notebook, turned it into the catchphrase of my company, and even hung it under the TV in my living room and my shower so I’d see it every single day.

I called it my system for miracles. No matter how tough things got, I’d walk into my living room, see that phrase, and feel my energy reset, as if I’d built an automatic switch to snap me back into amazing mode. Falling off track became impossible.

Part of this system involved creating what I called ‘The Magic Words That Bring Riches.’ I went through my journal, collected all the affirmations that had inspired me, and wrote them by hand onto four pieces of paper. Then I bought a $30 laminator on Amazon, laminated those pages, and hung them in my shower.

What started as a simple act turned into a transformative daily ritual. Every morning, I’d read these affirmations while the water was running, letting the words soak into my subconscious, rewiring my mind one day at a time.

I also started working on a morning routine designed to put me in the best energy every single day—energy that aligned perfectly with what I’d been writing in my journals. It wasn’t perfect yet, but it helped me form the habit of starting each day with a powerful, positive mindset. Over time, I would refine it into something even better, but this was where it all began.

The phrase and the routine became my foundation. They were tools that allowed me to radiate positive energy, believe in myself, and align with the incredible things I wanted to create. It was like sending out energetic boomerangs into the universe—and time and time again, they’d return as incredible breakthroughs.

At the time, I couldn’t fully explain how it worked. But one thing was clear: the energy I carried mattered. The emotions I focused on—excitement, gratitude, and the unshakable belief that something amazing was about to happen—were the key. They made all the difference.

Every morning, I committed to my new morning routine with paper and pen. It became the most important part of my day—my #1 priority the moment I woke up.

  • I primed my subconscious mind with positive affirmations and powerful visions that fueled my drive to achieve my dreams.

  • I read my shower affirmations like clockwork, letting them sink deeper into my subconscious.

  • I built my energy more and more until goosebumps rippled across my arms, fully embracing the belief:

  • Something amazing is about to happen.

What happened next can only be described as a miracle.

It was like a higher power flipped the switch to success. My life shifted from falling apart to magically falling together.

Here’s how it unfolded:

After one of my morning routines, I got an intuitive hit. I started spying on ads online and stumbled across a skincare brand. They had everything we needed to build a successful campaign.

When I looked into who owned it, I realized, “Oh my gosh, I know the lead media buyer! He’s an old friend from years ago!”

I immediately hit him up:

“Man! Let me make a video to sell your skincare products. We’ll explode it for you. We’ll even pay for all the Facebook ads.”

He agreed: “Okay, yeah, I’d love for you to do that.”

Just like that, a new opportunity landed in my lap. Win!

We got to work writing the script and creating a video to sell his skincare product. I used the last of my American Express credit line to launch the campaign on Facebook.

Right out of the gate, it started doing amazing! Another win falling into place.

With a few tweaks and variations, the campaign exploded. Suddenly, we were running the biggest campaign I’d had in seven months—spending $20,000 a day on Facebook to generate $30,000 in affiliate commissions.

We were consistently pulling $10,000 profit days for two weeks straight.


It felt surreal. Just weeks after starting this new routine, business was booming again.

But then, out of nowhere, the skincare brand owner decided to take Facebook traffic for themselves. They asked us to pause all ads.

With the flip of a switch, everything crashed back down to zero.

The weight of disappointment hit me and my team hard. We had been so close.

Yet, even in the midst of this setback, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something amazing was still about to happen.

I kept practicing my morning energy routine, writing affirmations with even more intensity. I began to believe:

  • Maybe there’s a reason this happened.

  • Maybe the universe has my back.

  • Maybe this is just a setup for something greater.

As I tuned deeper into this energy, my intuition began to tingle. And then, BOOM!

An idea popped into my head:
“Maybe it’s time to start my own skincare brand.”

I’d never launched my own brand before. I was a master at selling products and acquiring customers, but manufacturing and fulfillment were out of my wheelhouse.

I needed a partner who could handle that side of the business.

Then, another intuitive hit: “Call your friend who owns a pillow company and ask him to join.”

I picked up the phone and said:
“Bro! Screw your pillow company. I’ve got a skincare campaign that’s worth its weight in gold. Let’s turn this into a world-class infomercial and launch a skincare brand.”

After some thought, he said, “LET’S DO IT.”

Another piece falling perfectly into place.

We dove in. My partner found a manufacturer to create a proprietary product with the key ingredients that were already performing well in our marketing. I messaged every dermatologist in Miami, and within weeks, we landed the perfect face for our new brand.

We improved the script for our infomercial and hired a professional videography crew.

Two months later, we shot our first high-production, world-class video sales letter. We edited it into a 22-minute infomercial and launched it on Facebook ads.

What happened next can only be described as “Going Batsh*t Nuclear.”

Right out of the gate, the campaign that had previously reached $30k in sales per day was now skyrocketing to over $100,000 in sales per day. Immediately.

Some days even hit $250,000 in sales per day. This was the biggest campaign of my entire career.

Our products were on fire. By the third month after launching, we had hit $4,000,000 in sales—on a brand where I was a 50/50 partner. I couldn’t believe my eyes. We did it! Life was exploding again, bigger and better than I could have ever imagined.

Our advertising was not only profitable but scalable. I was freaking out. OH MY GOSH!!! Are you kidding me? It’s working! IT’S FREAKING WORKING!!!

As the months rolled on, it felt like miracle after miracle kept falling into place. It was as if the universe was reflecting the exact energy I was putting out—over and over again. My specific thoughts and detailed imagination, when combined with high-vibrational energy, felt like the root cause behind everything life was delivering.

We went on to generate over $100,000 a day, every day, for eight months straight. It was the biggest win streak of my life at the time.

To celebrate, I bought myself a white, all-wheel-drive Lamborghini Huracán. I even got winter tires, slapped a snowboard roof rack on it, and drove it from Denver to Vail, Colorado, every weekend for snowboarding adventures.

Here’s a photo of me with my Huracán, rocking my ‘Something Amazing Is About To Happen’ shirt. I wore this shirt everywhere, and it was wild how many people seemed to connect with the message.

It wasn’t just a system of miracles for me—it became a system of miracles for everyone around me. Strangers would light up when they saw it. Some would stop me to say it was exactly what they needed to hear in that moment. I had become a way to spread good vibes, lift others up, and inspire belief in the extraordinary.

The reactions to the shirt inspired me. It became a dream of mine to create a full-blown lifestyle brand filled with incredible products—shirts, sweaters, coffee cups, doormats, ping pong balls, bags, and more—that could lift people’s energy and prime their minds to believe that something amazing could happen in their lives, too.

By the end of our first year, we had hit $40 million in sales with our brand-new skincare line. That’s $0 to $40,000,000 in just 12 months.

Then, my business partner bought me out of the business, dropping a seven-figure check on my desk. With that windfall, I took the opportunity to travel the world and dive even deeper into understanding how our thoughts create our reality.

As I packed up my house and sold my cars, I came across the laminated ‘Something Amazing Is About To Happen’ paper I’d hung in my shower.

Holding it in my hands, I was overcome with emotion. Tears welled up in my eyes. This phrase had transformed my life, and I knew it would be with me forever.

So, I made it permanent.

I had the phrase tattooed onto my arm to always remind me of the power of this message.

Over the next four years, I continued to practice my routine, diving deep into mastering the spiritual laws behind it. Today, I couldn’t be more excited to finally share this magical process in a simple, daily routine that anyone can follow.

Best of all, we’ve named the journal ‘Something Amazing Is About to Happen,’ so you can keep this life-changing phrase in your life—on your desk, your kitchen counter, or anywhere you’ll see it daily, just like I did.

I’m also thrilled to announce that we’ve officially launched the Something Amazing brand to help you set up your own system of miracles at home!

Visit to grab your own shirts, mugs, doormats, and more. Carry this powerful message with you wherever you go!

We do exclusive, limited-time drops with new products all the time, so come check us out. I can’t wait for you to experience this magic for yourself.