Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Something Amazing Is About To Happen - Manifestation Journal - The Easiest & Most Effective Way To Call in the Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

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In this Manifesting Journal, You'll Receive The Same Daily Habit Successful People Use To Reprogram Their Mind For Something Amazing To Happen


If You Haven't Taken The Time To Reprogram Your Mind You're Probably Not Living Your Dream Life

If you haven’t taken the time to reprogram your mind, you’re probably not living the life you truly want. Here’s the truth: your brain is actively shaping your reality.

Every thought, every word, every belief builds your life—but are they even yours? Imagine your mind as a computer, running an operating system installed by other people: schools, institutions, family, friends, social media.

This programming limits what you think is possible, often leaving people feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or even depressed. The good news? Neuroscience shows that change is possible. Through neuroplasticity, you can rewire your brain by training it daily.

This journal will guide you in reprogramming your mind, opening the door for amazing things to happen. When you change your mind, you change your life!​

This 1 Simple Morning Habit Will Reprogram Your Mind To Feel Like Something Amazing Is About to Happen To You!

This daily routine is designed to rewire your mind and elevate your energy to help you manifest amazing things in your life. Here’s how it works:

✍️ “I am so happy and grateful now that…”
We start with gratitude. This prompt rewires your mind to focus on what you’re thankful for, putting you in a powerful, positive energy each morning. This is the foundation for creating an amazing day, and there’s no better way to start.

✍️  “Three amazing things that happened lately…”
Reflecting on recent wins puts your mind in a state of expectation and momentum. The more you focus on the amazing things happening, the more amazing things you’ll attract into your life. “The more you notice the good in your life, the more good shows up.”

✍️  “Three amazing goals my future self accomplished…”
Here, you visualize your higher self, the version of you who has already achieved your biggest dreams. This practice activates a manifestation principle of living “as if,” helping you align with your future success and bringing your goals closer to reality.

✍️  "I Am Affirmations" describing your successful self…
Using powerful affirmations, you’ll program yourself with positive, high-energy self-talk that rewires your mind. This self-talk becomes fuel for your journey, rocketing you toward your goals with unstoppable momentum.

✍️  “Three amazing things that are about to happen…”
Finally, you ground yourself by setting your focus on the exciting things coming up. This helps you align with what’s next, keeping you pointed in the right direction with enthusiasm for the steps ahead.

Each of these five questions combines to form the most life-changing daily habit I’ve ever discovered.

When you combine this routine with the clarity on your vision and your core identity exercises in the book, your life will transform beyond your wildest dreams.

Practice this routine for 90 days, and you’ll see incredible shifts unfold before your eyes. 

The Story Behind, Something Amazing Is About to Happen 

The Manifesting Journal

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A few years ago, I was on the biggest losing streak of my life—

$200,000 in debt, nothing was working, and worst of all, my mindset was in the trash.

I used to be driven, motivated, on fire, but now I was lazy, unproductive, procrastinating all the time, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

I had this mentor a long time ago who told me,

"Peter, if you want to make more money, just track how much money you make every single day."

​So every day, for over 1,300 days, I’d chart my daily income on a graph.

Then one day, I was looking at that graph and realized,

Oh My God! This isn’t the first losing streak I’ve been on; this is actually the fourth.

I looked closer and saw a pattern—things would suck, then BOOM life would take off! Then things would suck again, then BOOM it'd take off again.

And I thought to myself, "Man I really wish I know what I was thinking about right before life exploded each time? Because I could really use that mindset right now!!!"

​Then it hit me—MY JOURNALS!  I've been putting in 200+ journal enteries per year for the past 7 years! I can actually go back and see exactly what I was saying right before things took off.

As I opened up the journals, I discovered something incredible.

Every single time, right before life was about to take off, there was this constant feeling like something amazing is about to happen.

The attitude was like, "I don't care what's going on in my life right now. The winds of change are here. Something Amazing is About to Happen." 

And sure enough, right after I began putting that energy out, BOOM 2 weeks later my graph would explode. 

Even the words SOMETHING AMAZING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN was written in big bold yellow highlighted letters in one of my journals.

I thought, Hmm....

It seemed like the more I focus on the amazing things in my life, and the more I feel like something amazing is about to happen to  me, the more amazing things actually happened in my life.

I've got to put this to the test! 

So, I took that phrase and hung it everywhere—my shower, my living room, my notebook, t-shirts, coffee cups—all over my house. So no matter how bad my day was, I was constantly programming myself with that phrase: Something amazing is about to happen.

I started making it a "First Things First" priority in life to get my energy in the best most amazing state. Putting together a simple daily routine that I began doing every morning before I checked my phone or talked to anybody. 

Going over a few simple questions that would prime my mind for happiness, joy, what I'm excited about, and get myself to feel like something amazing is about to happen, so I'd start the day out like a WORLD CLASS CHAMPION!  


It was like a higher power flipped the switch to success.

And my life went from falling apart, to magically falling together.

I started getting excited again, I started being driven, productive, and proactive again. Miracles started falling into place!

I met a business partner, connected with a dermatologist, started a skincare brand, shot an infomercial, and then COVID hit. Suddenly, every woman in America needed a skincare product, and my brand exploded.​

I went from zero to $4 million in sales by month THREE!!!

We were doing $100,000 almost immediately because our advertising was so unbelievably profitable we were able to SCALE TO RIDICULOUS LEVELS INSTANTLY!

​I was so excited I was jumping out of my pants!!! Bought myself a white Lamborghini Huracan with All Wheel Drive. Threw on some winter tires and suction cupped a roof rack to the top so I could go drive up to Vail Colorado to go snowboarding every weekend.  

My life was taking off like a rocket!!!! 

We ended up doing over $100,000 per day every day for other 8 months in a row! 

By The End Of Our First Year, We Did $40,000,000 in Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ended up selling the company, and had become such a die hard fan of this phrase that I tattoo'd the phrase on my arm so I could bring it with me for the rest of my life. 

Over the next 4 years, I'd travel the world telling this story to inspire people to believe that the more they feel like something amazing is about to happen in their life, the more amazing things begin to happen. All going back to these legendary Law of Attraction quotes. 

"We become what we think about." – Earl Nightingale

​"Change your thoughts, change your reality..." - Joe Dispenza 

​"Your word is your wand. The words you speak create your destiny" Florence Scovel Shinn

​"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." - James Allen 

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer 

​"You are the creator of your own reality, and life is always taking the shape of your imaginal activity." Abraham-Hicks

​At first I just thought this was my own special story. 


But then other people started tattoo'ing this phrase on their bodies as well!

I knew having this message in front of you all the time primes your mind for miracles to happen.

Never in my wildest dreams did I realize what kind of impact this would have other people. 

I knew I had to make it into a simple daily routine that anyone can do to start transforming their life, and do my part to get this out to the world.  

It’s called the Something Amazing Is About to Happen Manifestation Journal.

It's like the 5-Minute Journal, except it's actually the dopest thing on the freaking planet. And the greatest morning routine you will ever do!

Thousands of people around the world already using it to reprogram their mind! 

I Want to Help You Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams

The Something Amazing Is About to Happen Manifestation Journal was created from my own daily practice—not with ghostwriters or fancy words, but with a routine that transformed my life.

My goal is simple: to help you manifest the life of your dreams, using the exact steps that have brought me success.

Everything I’ve achieved is rooted in this routine of focusing on my goals, building myself up through affirmations, and making gratitude the driving energy in my life.

If you believe that you deserve every dream you've ever had to come true—then let’s get started.

Why are some people blessed by luck while others are not so lucky?


4 years ago I was $200,000 in debt. Banging my head against the wall feeling beat down in my business. I’d been burning money everyday for 7 months and my mindset had gone in the trash. 


I thought, “What’s happened to me? I used to be so driven, I used to be so motivated” 


I grabbed my iPad and opened up a spreadsheet showing how much money I’d made everyday for the past 1347 days, when suddenly I noticed something interesting.


This wasn't the first time I'd been on multi-month losing streak. Looking at my graph, I noticed I’d been on 3 similar losing streaks like this before.


Things would be horrible, then suddenly BOOM! We’d crack a huge win and life would take off and be amazing!! Then it’d be horrible, the BOOM! It’d take off again Three different times I saw this had happened to me. 


So I thought, “Wow I really wish I could figure out what I was thinking about right before life took off like a rocket those other times! I could really use that right now!” 


Then it hit me. "My journals!"

I’d been a hardcore journaler for the past 7 years. Averaging 205 entries per year. I could actually go back to the 2-3 weeks right before life took off and see what I was thinking about!!   

I dove back in and thats when I discovered the most amazing thing. Every single time, right before life was about to take off. There was a constant feeling, like something amazing is about to happen 


Like the winds of change were here. I didn’t give a crap about what issues I had anymore. My journals were radiating this feeling that something amazing is about to happen!!! 

My eyes widened up, my breath slowed down. Heart starting to race. 

“This is amazing!! Could this really work for me? ” 


I decided I have to put this to the test!!!!


I took that the phrase 'Something Amazing Is About To Happen' and I hung it all over my house. Printed it on a notebook, a t shirt, and created a new morning journal that would put me into the state of feeling something amazing is about to happen ever day.  


What happened next can only be described as a miracle...

It was like the universe flipped the switch to success. And my life went from falling apart, to magically falling together.


We launched a skincare brand that exploded. By our 3rd month after launching, we did $4,000,000 in sales. On a brand that I was 50/50 partners in!!!!


By the end of our first year, we hit $40 million in sales. That's $0-$40,000,000 in our first 12 months!!! I then exiting the brand! Traveled the World. Became a Partner in Mindvalley. Found my Soulmate. And am living my dream life! 


Now, I've put this magical process into daily manifestation journal you can do everyday. Calling it Something Amazing Is About To Happen so you’d get this magical message every single day. 


It’s the simplest, most effective thing you can do every single morning to call in the life beyond your wildest dreams! In just 5 minutes a day! 


Order your copy today while stock remains!



The Something Amazing Is About to Happen Manifesting Journal includes everything you need to attract amazing things into your life.


Keep this journal handy as a tool to discover and nurture the incredible possibilities within you. Practicing daily manifestation will help transform your entire life.


This journal provides easy-to-use pages that create clarity on your goals and tune you into the energy so something amazing can hapen in your life.


Signs you Need A Morning Manifestation Practice!

- Your Doubting Your Future

- Your Dreams are always out of reach

- You’ve been diagnosed with some kind of health condition

- You went through a terribe breakup

- You hate current version of themselves

- You Lost your job. Business failed.

- You have Financial Struggle and Stress

- You have no friends no body gets you or understands you

- You’re trapped under an Invisible Glass Cieling

- Your life is just not what you imagined

- NO matter what you do nothing is working out.

- You’re sad, frustrated, fearful

- You’re trapped in a life situation that’s not yours!

What's inside?

  • Personal Intention Setting
  • Interactive Manifestation Journal Prompts
  • Free space to express your thoughts, dreams, or sketch your visions
  • A self-assessment to track your evolution and what you've manifested
  • Access to the Database of Miracles to find the proof you've been looking for

Here’s how to know your new daily manifestation practice is working!

  • Start hitting these micro-goals & Milestones that move you towards what you want
  • Living in the Most Amazing Life You Can Imagine
  • Manifest your soul mate. Absolute partner of your dreams
  • Move into the most amazing place home
  • Manifest the most beautiful trips to see the world. Vacations. Luxury.
  • Manifest all the most beautiful clothes, jackets, jewelry
  • Manifest the ability to help change anyone you come into contact with
  • You can give back, build a business, build wells.
  • Change families, change cultures,
  • Attract money for research to create cures for diseases
  • Unlimited amounts of ways to give back
  • Manifest unlimited time. Waking up everysingle day doing whatever you wanted.
  • Change your famlies life. Change your neighbors life.
  • Change your friends life. Change the planet. Save the planet.
  • Call in what you would love more than

Giveaway of the Day(6 Valuable BONUSES)

The Something Amazing Is About to Happen eBook

You can start reading Something Amazing is About to Happen right now – get instant access to the the visualization and training program lays out that will allow you to get started today in creating the money you deserve.

$15.00 FREE

The 15-Minute Notion Journal Template

Instantly access this Notion template to visualize your life 5 years, 1 year, 3 months, and 2 weeks out. Gain a clear roadmap and bring your vision to life step-by-step.

$15.00 FREE

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Printable Daily Journal Pages.Start Today! 

Print these daily journal pages and start your ‘Something Amazing’ morning routine immediately.
Begin building powerful habits with the exact pages you'll need, ready to go.

$10.00 FREE

Soul Aligned Goal Setting Workshop.

Tune into your soul’s deepest calling and envision the most extraordinary life you’re meant to live. This workshop guides you in setting meaningful goals aligned with your personal North Star, so every action you take leads you closer to your ultimate purpose.

$15.00 FREE

“Something Amazing Is About to Happen” iPhone Wallpapers

30 unique wallpapers featuring powerful affirmations crafted to uplift and reinforce how you choose to speak to yourself. Keep these inspiring reminders front and center, helping you stay aligned with positivity and self-belief every time you check your phone.

$10.00 FREE

$40 Million Dollar Hypnosis Track

Unlock my $40M hypnosis track to rewire your subconscious for unstoppable confidence and success.
​This elite-level hypnosis, used by top clients, will help you magnetize success and make your goals automatic.

$15.00 FREE

Customer Reviews


"This manifestation journal is for you if you are trying to make BIG things happen in your life"

Nate C

"This is NOT A JOURNAL! It's a manifestation tool"

Kayla Ybanez

"If you're looking to be more positive, to feel better this is the best book you can get"

Crystal Lyons

"I've gone through all of the manifestation journals and they're always too hard to understand, this book gave me everything I needed"

Neb Desta